Multimax internet, any advice pleaseNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 13/01/2007 Posts: 138
Message Posted: 12/10/2011 19:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi, I live in Esentepe area close to the Poppin and thinking of getting Multimax internet. Does anyone have Multimax internet around that area? I would be grateful for any information good or bad before I put my money on the table so to speak. Please don't bombard me with technical information as I'm not very computer literate(has taken me half an hour just to tyep this!) Thanks in anticipation. |

Joined: 12/12/2008 Posts: 405
Message Posted: 12/10/2011 22:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 38 in Discussion |
| i have had multimax 10 mb (yeah right) wireless since monday 10th oct..........worked on 11th........not working since............say no more |

Joined: 10/03/2009 Posts: 54
Message Posted: 12/10/2011 22:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 38 in Discussion |
| Same here... I understand multimax is a new company and I'm all for supporting startups but I've had my connection go on and off throughout the day and I've been trying to make an urgent transfer using my internet banking service for an hour! I also got a 10mbit connection and after a bumpy start (less than half that speed) things were kind of ok for a few days and then everything went downhill. I really hope this is a temporary issue (although lasting two days)... It would be great if Kemal could post an update regarding all this. |

Joined: 16/01/2011 Posts: 69
Message Posted: 12/10/2011 22:12 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 38 in Discussion |
| Have had multimax since July, very hit and miss. Internet goes off when it feels like and had no access from sat till this evening, after calling them. Called into office yesterday and was given a phone no on scrap of paper, called this afternoon and was told would call me back in 5 mins. 1 and half hours later got back through to them to be told they couldnt find my no. Internet back on but has gone off twice this evening which is common. So infuriating when on skype calls to family!! Meant to be on 4mb but dont know! Think we are now going to cancel, nobody else seems to have the problems we have. We are in Esentepe too. |

Joined: 30/04/2008 Posts: 326
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 12:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 38 in Discussion |
| Problem in Karsiyaka Friend been with them approx 1 week, had problem since installation. Were told main hub in lefkosa couldnt take any more users, would be sorted. Their still waiting for call back 2 days later |

Joined: 13/10/2008 Posts: 290
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 38 in Discussion |
| We have had it 1 week & been off more than its been on , was told this morning we would recieve 10 days free internet but we need it NOW !! back to the old Gezz Dongle for us !!! Hubby is not very happy as I was the one who kept asking for it !!! |

Joined: 13/02/2007 Posts: 292
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 38 in Discussion |
| Oh well that answers my question then!! LOL |

Joined: 12/09/2009 Posts: 302
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 8 of 38 in Discussion |
| Spot on for me, had the morning down the other day but they all have that from time to time. I do think however the company could post on here some sort of explanation when they have these problems though. Facing up to and dealing with problems and customer complaints is the essence of any business in my book. |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:43 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 38 in Discussion |
| Dear Customers of Multimax and all who would be interested in this information Starting 10th of October 2011, we had 3 consecutive (and different) major problems with our main system, and with our links between Lefkosa and Girne. Each one of the outages has lasted for hours because of the severity of problems, currently all of the problems has been identified and 95% back operational, further improvements to stability of our Lefkosa-Girne link is underway and should be sorted out sometime today. I have to mention that these problems happened when my chief technical engineer had to depart for pakistan for family reasons, My Girne Branch Manager (his backup) had his second baby son earlier than expected on monday and I had military duties (read: no phone access and no internet) from monday till today. Of course, in a business environment, nothing is an excuse for poor service, we are aware of the difficulties our customers faced with their connections while we failed to deliver. |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 38 in Discussion |
| We have already started working in permanent solution so that these problems do not repeat themselves, a second major link to Girne is already ordered and due to be delivered in the next few weeks, improvements in the stability of our head end is also in progress. Those of you who have used our service for several months should confirm that our network has always been well maintained and faced only a few and mostly localized unscheduled interruptions over the months. I ask all that please do not judge as based on the service of past 3 days only, as one poster has stated, we are a startup company and had a solid reputation since the beginning. For those of you who have received poor customer service since monday should realize that it is really quite difficult to keep up when 100s of customers are calling by the minute. Customer support people and every one did their best to keep up but there bound to be some misses along the way. (cont) |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 14:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 38 in Discussion |
| For those of you who still have problems with their internet, please call 0392 444 6629 as your problem might be totally unrelated and we will have somebody look at it immediately. Currently all our customers should have their internet back with full speeds. We have activated 'day-4-hour' compensation scheme where all of the customers received 1 day extension to their accounts for every hour of outage they experienced, sms'es are sent to customers indicating the exact length of extensions. Again, I apologize for all these problems and the fact that we have let our customers down, but you can be assured that every precaution is being taken so that these issues do not repeat themselves. I hope in 1 years time, we will look back and remember, 'oh yea, multimax was up and down for 3 days, but that was like a year ago'... Thank you all for your understanding. Kemal |

Joined: 22/10/2010 Posts: 867
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 15:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 38 in Discussion |
| had 3 months now think there a good company shit does go wrong sometimes but mainly its good internet ,,, and happy with it ,even gave me more days free when they had a few problems ,,,,,,,,who here does that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |

Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 8398
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 15:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 38 in Discussion |
| re msg 9-11 >>I have to mention that these problems happened when my chief technical engineer had to depart for pakistan for family reasons, My Girne Branch Manager (his backup) had his second baby son earlier than expected on monday and I had military duties (read: no phone access and no internet) from monday till today. << This is the 'danger' for a fast growing company and when the cr*p hits the fan - it always happens in threes :( I was wondering WHAT could be happening .. Last month I was off the air for three days in an area of England - where there is NO mob coverage - and folks thought *I* was 'avoiding' them ... For the sake of clients and your sanity, I hope you get sorted soon ! |

Joined: 14/05/2009 Posts: 107
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 15:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 38 in Discussion |
| I have to say that the customer service I have received since joining Multimax has been exceptional. What other ISP here takes the trouble to contact his customers personally when there is a problem? None in my experience. I am more than happy with Multimax, the best ISP I have had in six years and I have tried most of them! It's early days yet so give them a chance. Brenda G |

Joined: 12/09/2009 Posts: 302
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 15:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 38 in Discussion |
| thanks for the info Mr Bassat, am happy, have always been happy and now you have given us reasons I am even happier still. Top Marks a breath of fresh air in Cyprus. |

Joined: 10/03/2009 Posts: 54
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 16:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 38 in Discussion |
| Problems seem to be solved... No interruptions for the last hour or so. The explanations above and the SMS with free days were all good steps. However a couple of days of partly interrupted service is not really a "shit happens" situation. It is an extremely serious issue for an ISP and steps need to be taken to make sure it doesnt happen again. Its tough but providing internet connectivity is an extremely unforgiving business: you might provide 30 days of excellent service but a couple of bad experiences will ruin all of them. Just ask Blackberry! Anyway, hope this one is over and everything will run smoothly from now... Thanks for handling this well. |

Joined: 12/09/2009 Posts: 302
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 16:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 38 in Discussion |
| I think everyone should lighten up a bit, this is Cyprus, 3 months ago I was paying more getting less and also had interruptions. I frequently skype video with a familly member and there are problems, but the problems originate at the btbroadband end. You also cannot control the connectivity or speed off the island. |

Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 16:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 38 in Discussion |
| kbasat, I feel for you. Having had 17 years in the business of IT provision and customer support you are going to lose no matter what you do. Power cut in customers house - your fault! Customer forgets to pay his bill and gets cut off - your fault (should have sent a reminder)! Digger breaks the fibre - your fault! Tidal wave - your fault! Customer forgets password - your fault! One of the favorites I had, customer forget office door keys and could not get at computer - yep, your fault for not providing service to every computer in the world! Take heart - you have many more good reports than a few isolated odd ones and you are a growing company that provides - as far as I can see - a good solid service. As promised, as soon as Telco up my line to 4Mb I will be at your door. Till then, communications, communications, communications, its the only answer, let em know what is happening and they generally forgive anything. Good luck. |

Joined: 13/01/2007 Posts: 138
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 38 in Discussion |
| Thanks for all the replies. Still a little unsure but I think I will call in at the office in Girne for a chat if some kind person could let me know where it is. I like the fact Kbasat lets customers know if there is a problem, mind you, if your internet is down you'd never know lol. I just hope the internet is up and running in Esentepe. I'm missing Strictly come dancing! |

Joined: 07/07/2009 Posts: 956
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi, I don't know if you are aware that they offer a months trial. I am still on mine and have had a few problems too but if they are sorting it out as they say so then I will be signing up for a year. The service is far superior to the Gezz I was using bwforw and can now watch BBC iplay etc on just 4Mb which I couldn't before. Personally I would recommend trying the month first and then decide for yourself. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 38 in Discussion |
| herindoors the multimax girne office in near the karakum leamar. On the map below it is the building just below the road name "Ugur Mumcu Bulvan" near the middle of the npa. The office is on the second floor above a betting shop, and access to it is from stairs behind the betting shop. |

Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 38 in Discussion |
| oh for an edit function. Above should read "the multimax girne office is near the karakum lemar". npa should read map. |

Joined: 07/03/2008 Posts: 38
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 38 in Discussion |
| We are nearly into 3 months with our Multimax isp....a couple of problems but rectified very quickly with a personal service. The last 2 days has been explained by Kemal above and he has compensated all by free addon days to your contract. I would have no hesitation in recommending Multimax to anyone last a proper high speed service. |

Joined: 20/09/2009 Posts: 166
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 17:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi How does one access BBc and ITV through Multimax without a vpn. |

Joined: 13/05/2011 Posts: 86
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 18:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 38 in Discussion |
| ballymurphy, By a special bit of technical wizardry, Kemal has a kind of VPN built into the Multimax system, so you don't need to fork out more for a separate VPN, just go to the BBC and click on "iPlayer" or "TV" and you're in. I'd just like to say that I too know what Kemal is going through and I also know that he's doing everything he can to keep his customers happy. I have no hesitation at all in recommending Multimax to my friends. |

Joined: 13/01/2007 Posts: 138
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 19:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 38 in Discussion |
| Erolz thanks for the directions, judyr, didnt know about the months free trial. I think I will give it a try. Nothing to loose in the end and the thought of getting bbc iplayer for strictly come dancing is a big incentive |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 19:51 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 38 in Discussion |
| Thank you all for kind comments, We are really working hard, we have made considerable initial investment into the company. We currently have 22 basestations in Girne alone and more than 60 basestations island-wide. Our coverage is already better than most companies who has been doing this for 'years' Our system is unique in the way that our connectivity from Lefkosa to girne is independent from Telekom and runs through the mountain. This links because they work on proprietary frequencies, are very costly initally but we know it would pay off at the end and now it is. A second link from lefkosa to Girne is already ordered and should be operational in a few weeks which should bring Girne-to-Lefkosa uptime to about 99.5% (compared to 95% currently, which is mainly due to electrical power issues). (cont) |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 19:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 38 in Discussion |
| In a business like this, customer expectations are playing key role in our decisions for improvements. Demand is the second key factor allowing us to invest more on more on our systems. So more customers we will have, more investment we will do into the system will result in faster, cheaper and more reliable system. This is our guarantee. Again thanks for all customers for understanding and support in these rough few days we have had. It was not easy for any of us. Kemal |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 19:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 38 in Discussion |
| @msg 24 and 25, tvMAX service is not a 'true VPN', it is only configured for major uk tv channels so they can be watch with no configuration. This system tends to break once in a while (when BBC or ITV change their server IP addresses), then we need to manually fix it and its again good to go. If you want a true VPN, we also offer that, also free (only for multimax customers ) Check out K. |

Joined: 22/06/2009 Posts: 482
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 20:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi K, keep the faith buddy!! |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 13/10/2011 20:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 38 in Discussion |
| @tom, you are due for a bottle and some equipment this weekend! Dont wander away from home too far K. |

Joined: 02/03/2010 Posts: 425
Message Posted: 14/10/2011 11:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 38 in Discussion |
| Just started with Multimax last month,,, problems initially in Esentepe area,, but they seem to have been sorted now. Hope this continues.. |

Joined: 24/12/2008 Posts: 447
Message Posted: 14/10/2011 11:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 38 in Discussion |
| Can I have a months trial to test the system, I am Esentepe based. Nick |

Joined: 31/01/2009 Posts: 1024
Message Posted: 14/10/2011 12:52 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 38 in Discussion |
| 1 month ago I used this form to criticise Multimax for failing to keep an appointment. Now I have the service installed it is equally fair to tell the forum that it is excellent despite one or two problems over the last couple of days. I have a 4mb connection and have migrated from a Turkcell dongle - also nominally 4mb but never achieved in 2 years. I have run several speed tests - the slowest was 5.1 and the fastest was 6.4 and the actual day to day use is dazzlingly fast compared to what I had before. And the 'no download limit' has enabled me to eliminate a backlog of films and music that I wanted. So I am very pleased and I haven't even tried the TV yet. |

Joined: 28/07/2011 Posts: 481
Message Posted: 14/10/2011 15:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 38 in Discussion |
| @skybluesam, of course, you need to pay 50TL activation and one month of internet of your choice (2Mb at 60TL, 4MB at 80TL and 10MB at 150TL), if after one month, you choose to pay yearly, both of these fees will be deducted from your annual payment so you will not lose anything for paying a year upfront a month late, if you choose not to continue using our service after 1 month, you can cancel with no questions asked with no further penalty. Please call 0392 444 6629 (call center) or 0533 870 0226 (Girne Branch manager) to arrange. Msg 32, Esentepe area is currently undergoing further upgrades and service should be much better in the days to come. K. |

Joined: 22/06/2009 Posts: 482
Message Posted: 14/10/2011 17:08 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 38 in Discussion |
| Ref msg 31 - K - I'll be here waiting, 2 glasses in hand!! |

Joined: 22/06/2009 Posts: 482
Message Posted: 18/10/2011 17:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi K, hope you are out of hospital and feeling better. No sign of fitters, equipment, bottle - so glasses put back. End of October maybe? |

Joined: 27/12/2010 Posts: 24
Message Posted: 20/10/2011 04:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 38 in Discussion |
| Hi K. , good luck in our business, and wish you the most patience i know many people and owners in the ISP sector so I can understand the troubles you are going through... ;) as a friendly advice, the most loyal clients you will get in any business are the english people (my opion). the suffered from nethouse servise (!?) pay loads of money to turkcell and telsim for nothing... so keep the good work going and we will have to talk when you come to magusa... (maybe sooner) regards to serhan the pc doctor... best wishes Mus |
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