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discrimination and government reversal

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Joined: 23/09/2008
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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 13:30

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Message 1 of 81 in Discussion

To let everyone know who maybe waiting to pay for there Kocan/deeds, we went to do this today with our builder, only to find out that the government have on the 12/10/11 changed the 3% govt., tax, to 6%, and the option we all thought we had on this figure now removed. BUT get this, it,s still the same for local Turkish Cypriats, all (inc., Turkish) foreigners must pay the 6%.

The builder we have (very large company) has said its a disgrace that this has happened and he advises all foreigners to protest strongly to the govt., to get this changed back to the option of 3%, another kick in the crutch for the Brits. Tom


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 13:51

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Message 2 of 81 in Discussion

As the years go by it becomes more and more obvious to me, how coloured people feel in a predominantly white society (i.e. how the West Indians felt when the moved to the UK in the 50's). They were asked to move and there treated with distain when they got there.

There is more and more discrimination against us. When we first came here it was just little but annoying things i.e. the first hairdresser I went to had a dual price list, so did a small restaurant on the main road. Not so much as two menu's, just one in English and TC's didn't have one at all.

Now the discrimination is blatant and obvious but we that are stuck here and couldn't leave if we wanted to, have to live with it, and I for one find it hurtful as causes us to be treated as 2nd if not 3rd class citizens in the country we rightly or wrongly chose to move to.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:02

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Message 3 of 81 in Discussion

fight back i agree enough is enough

stop giving blood for a while

protest to your shopkeeper who is happy to have you spend your pensions in his store tell him you are leaving.

dont pay your kdv hang on to it

90% of builders cant pay there own tax liabilities so no deeds for customer

dont eat out so much make a point of telling them why

publish on 44 emails of goverment officials pester the arse off them

any other ideas for passive protest?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:19

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Message 4 of 81 in Discussion

Cyprustom,This also happened to me,it changed back a week after i paid the 6%.Neighbour paid 3%.Both villas were the same size.I talked to another neighbour who works in the goverment and he said:You have a good heart,what does money matter!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:34

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Message 5 of 81 in Discussion

hi Rigsby, Certainly is a bummer, especially as its the govt., who have been delaying our deeds anyway, could/should have been done years ago, BUT, are you saying when you paid 6% this was another govt., change and then they reversed it again sometime later to 3% option,,,,,,,,,Tom


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:40

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Message 6 of 81 in Discussion

To endorse this debacle of discrimination I was with Tom today. After weeks and weeks of back and forth to the builders trying to pay the KDV on the house and the transformer / cabling cost we finally arrived at the point of an appointment with the Tapu to pay the tax for house and get the Kocan. Only to be told by the builder (Big Problem for you?) The law changed on 12th October. No foreigner can have 3% option from this date. My first reaction was to explode as its taken 7 years to get to this point only to be told this. How can we live and stay here with this nonsense of a government and how they carry on, enough is enough. I for one will be out of here ASAP as this is the last straw for me. Hopefully this discriminatory law will be reversed, even so I've had more than my fill now. What next !!!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:53

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Message 7 of 81 in Discussion

what happens if you have allready paid your K.D.V. and waiting on your kocan..?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 14:54

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Message 8 of 81 in Discussion

Reminds me of the 15% KDV fiasco of a few years ago!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:12

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Message 9 of 81 in Discussion

jock 1,,, the vat is a seperate item I,me afraid, doesnt affect this decision at all, we too had already paid our vat/kdv,

the vat is purely on the cost price of the house,,,,,,,,tom


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:35

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Message 10 of 81 in Discussion

Just another way of the TRNC government saying they do no want foreigners purchasing in the TRNC and this is just another way of driving this message home !!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:44

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Message 11 of 81 in Discussion

And yet another nail in the coffin re House Sales. I'm assuming this will apply to Russians, Israelis etc and not just Brits? If the Estate Agents would reduce their commission rates, they would make a fortune out of people who want to leave.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:53

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Message 12 of 81 in Discussion

re mess 3

Fully agree it is about time expats woke up and smelt the coffee!!!!!

I already do the majority on your list (mess 3).

What about all these so called charities the persons benefiting the most are the government who apart from being ignorant an inept are blatent racists. So why do peole go on providing money continually saving the government from paying for what is rightly their responsibility????

About time expats got real


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:56

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Message 13 of 81 in Discussion

What bright spark thought up this latest RACIST brainwave, maybe the Finance Minister, you remember the former Director of Akfinans Bank.

Oh dear, not getting enough money in, now which sector is bouyant and could stand a tax hike?, 'thinks'

I know the Property couldn't make it up.

Haven't they wreaked enough havoc in the lives of those of us follish enough to think we could trust this country and buy here in safety. Didn't they market that lie to us suckers.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 15:59

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Message 14 of 81 in Discussion

Didn't you know laws cannot be made retrospective, unless of course it is to their advantage jock1.

I expect this new tax was passed in thlast session in playschool.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 16:10

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Message 15 of 81 in Discussion

It is the same with everything in the TRNC. Electricity is a two tire system, the Brits have to pay more to get connected if you are disconnected through no fault of your own. Well if we all eventually pull out they will just have each other to rip won't see so many of them riding around in nice cars and eating at the best restaurants then!!!!! They are so short sighted!!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 16:31

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Message 16 of 81 in Discussion

I recommend that this thread be read in conjunction with the concurrent post with the title "what am I expected to pay" and in particular the post there by "Hawkeye" today. When the housing boom here virtually came to a halt several years ago I posted at that time that this cessation of the market would only affect foreigners and the Cypriots would continue buying and selling regardless of who had paid for the properties. I was dismissed as a cynic. Clearly if foreigners manage to sell a property, even at below value to achieve a sale, this government still wants to screw the foreign vendor. There is no will to let you own land here, they want your money whilst you are here, and now want to screw you if you have the temerity to want to leave.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 16:42

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Message 17 of 81 in Discussion

Maybe a lot of PTP'S will now suddenly be granted......hahahahahahahahahah thud....that was me laughing my head off.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 18:12

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Message 18 of 81 in Discussion

This is BLATANT DISCRIMINATION against expats.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 18:29

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Message 19 of 81 in Discussion

Don't take your deeds. You don't need them to live in your property.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 18:33

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Message 20 of 81 in Discussion

Mess 12 re charities makes sense.

Less pics in the local papers but hey ho!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 18:52

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Message 21 of 81 in Discussion

It (errmm: ALL) must be FAR better in the UK. Who (blame THEM) invited you to come and live here..?!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:02

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Message 22 of 81 in Discussion

hey dutch, do those remarks have anything to do with the topic? tom


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:15

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Message 23 of 81 in Discussion

Yet another shameful act from The Corrupt Government of the TRNC

DO NOT bite the hand that feeds you. Best advice I can offer.



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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:24

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Message 24 of 81 in Discussion

Giles message 19.

Not a very good solution. If you don't have your deeds you don't own the property. You could end up with memorandums and all sorts of problems. More costly than the extra tax.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:30

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Message 25 of 81 in Discussion

TRNC bellyache about isolation and lack of recognition of their Human Rights yet they actively practise racism.

nepotism, cronyism.

DC I remember you as someone who cared, what happened?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:36

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Message 26 of 81 in Discussion

Isn't it a shame on the TRNC that non citizens have no political voice and no politicians to fight our corner. I'm beginning to understand how the Jews must have felt when anti Semitism began to appear in Germany.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:39

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Message 27 of 81 in Discussion

Please can someone clarify : My purchase is a resale and the Kocan was already granted a few years ago. I am due to take title in the next few days and I have just read through the email received from my lawyer and the breakdown of fees that I need to pay and it doesn't mention "purchase tax" but "land registry transfer fee". it states that this amount is 3%. Is this different being a resale?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 19:45

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Message 28 of 81 in Discussion

Due to get our Kocan tomorrow, our advocate told us this morning it was 3% but now it looks like its double. What do you do? the builder has paid his taxes today so there is nothing to stop us but now it may be double transfer tax!! Do we sit tight and wait or pay the extra and get our deeds?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 20:24

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Message 29 of 81 in Discussion

Dutch, you are all heart, you plonker!!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 20:31

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Message 30 of 81 in Discussion

Tango, why is it that you are asking agents to reduce their rates? is it because you dont like paying 3 or 5% commissions? as in Uk it is much less??? well....what about if you put something in the auction house they will charge you the seller and the purchaser commissions and what do they do for that...please feel free to tell me..

I dont believe many people know exactly the cost of setting up and running a business here and paying the taxes that the goverment request.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 20:58

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Message 31 of 81 in Discussion

So, is this for all property purchases including resales where the previous owner already had the kocan?

Dixie Normus

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Message Posted:
01/11/2011 23:33

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Message 32 of 81 in Discussion

Welcome to Devils Island cashcows, the screws are being tightend, you cannot choke the locals who have a vote, its a shot in the foot. The easy option, make the non voters pay up to keep the corrupt system on the rails.

Hope the brainles local rsoles are watching the Greek debackle recognise they are of the same ilk, and will no doubt do the same U bend, you drserve all the crap you can swallow.



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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 00:25

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Message 33 of 81 in Discussion

North or South the approach is the same. The future of the island is bleak and its self inflicted.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 06:15

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Message 34 of 81 in Discussion

the actual truth that most of you do not see\understand for obvious reason,as stated in MSG 32 is the fact that MOST OF YOU had actualy thought THE LOCALS were BRAINLESS RSOLES,as stated at MSG 32,hence the reason most of you were able to buy here after selling your 2 up 2 down ex council house in Uk,expecting to live of with the rest (£50.000 )...............and now the so called local rsoles are doing something,but this time it is not in fasvour of the so called clever rsoles,it is not liked!

beleive it or not,while some so called clever rsole has been busy smuggling and flogging the so called flat tvs,some of us here have been doing homework!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 08:11

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Message 35 of 81 in Discussion

yorg I do not accept any generalisation of Turkish Cypriots, it is just a few corrupt people at the top who have the power and they are making the lives of everyone, TC's, Turkish and foreigners hell because they have made such a mess of everything, except their own bank accounts.

By the same token I do not accept your generalisation of us foreigners either. I was born in a Council house, sooooooo. I really think you are the minority in your opinion of us. LOok at the age of most of us, most of us made additional pension arrangements when we worked so the interest off any savings/residue money from the sale of homes in Britain is a bonus and one we have worked for. We didnt get to retire at 50 with a pension the country could not afford so have to borrow to pay.

If we want to complain about an unfair change, we will. You can be as unpleasant as you like, you can vent your spleen, and you will, it wont make you right. RACISM is wrong, two tier pricing systems are wrong


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 09:58

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Message 36 of 81 in Discussion


let the ones I'm refering to stand up for themselves,if the cap don't fit you.

'If we want to complain about an unfair change, we will'

I see no problem with your above comment had 'you' (in general not personnal) questioned at the time of buying 'your' so called 'villas' why they were so CHEAP!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 10:27

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Message 37 of 81 in Discussion


You hit the nail on the head and in a lot of ways cannot agree with you more.

I came to TRNC after living in Spain and wanted to find a place where I was away from 'British rsoles' and thought I found it, love Cyprus as served here in Forces. But as you do I read that some people think that just because they are here that the TRNC owes them, you are correct alot , like Spain sold their council houses and still expect everything to be done for them like the 'Nanny State' created in UK by the last Government - just because they have money!!!.

I cannot see any problem if the Government wants to introduce measures to stimulate the house ownership for its own citizens, but are a bit aggreived at the fact that I bought my house back in 2005, kept my end of the Contract, paid my VAT, Stamp Duty and have PTP but cannot proceed due to the Builder owing the Bank for non payment of the site that my house is on.

Love your comments but as Polly says dont class us all the sam


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 10:46

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Message 38 of 81 in Discussion

Msg 37:

How can you say 'my house'?

Currently, the bank is holding 'your' house as collateral for the land it's been built on; but, according to you, not paid for by the builder.

Have you bothered to find out which bank is involved and, crucially, how much interest your builder's debt has currently accrued?

Good luck with your investigations!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 11:17

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Message 39 of 81 in Discussion

yorg some of the earlier purchaser on K5 paid a lot less than I did, relative to where it was, the market prices here and the lack of facilities, infra structure. I still think the old maxim applies wherever you buy, a property is worth what someoned is prepared to pay for it. I never haggled, I paid the asking price. Of course now I could buy better for cheaper, way it goes, ups and downs reflected by market condioions in whatever place you buy.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 11:21

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Message 40 of 81 in Discussion

Message 38 yes I know ALL the facts and find your tone patronising- have I bothered to find out!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 12:05

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Message 41 of 81 in Discussion

Message 34 - It is not the fact things cost more that is the problem, it is being discriminated against........ when you lived in the UK were you discriminated against? Did you have a two tire system to deal with? If you did were you happy with it? You are always going on about cheap houses in the TRNC, they are not that cheap when you add on all the extras we have to pay (including builder's taxes!) and the shoody workmanship that has to be rectified.................and without all us 'clever rsoles' a lot of TC's would not be in business, why do you think so many are going to the wall................could be the 'clever rsoles are moving out!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 12:14

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Message 42 of 81 in Discussion

The rich get rich and the rest of us get shafted. The sad thing is, it is not what the TC man in the street wants.

The Govt are so out of touch wth reality they will pay for it at the next election.

Minister of Finance who was Director of Akfinans Bank previously, never told K5 of this confiict and listened to all their problems and their plans for future action and never once told them. No wonder the Bank were always one step ahead of us, am I being unfair, what else am I supposed to think?

I dont thnk K5 will ever pay this tax because I dont think they will be given justice here, they will receive compensation through the ECHR. BUT HOW MANY OF WILL still be alive then? Shame on Akfinans, shame on the legal system and shame on the govt.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 13:40

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Message 43 of 81 in Discussion

Ok so whats the best way to encourage the government to see some sense of fair play. My view is and i have said it before. As its all about money and the only power we have is the purchasing power so we should use it selectively. Picking a favourite supermarket and sticking to it alone even if we have to go without the odd line or two will at least get all the other outlets on ourside in talking to the government. Relaxed payment of utility bills [ a cypriot trait ] also comes to mind would get one or two politicians attention i am sure. Whoes for it ?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 13:44

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Message 44 of 81 in Discussion

Since the abolition of this discount only applies to foreigners, it is clearly an act of pure racism. It is therefore a violation of basic human rights against all but Cypriots and Turks. This is certainly something that will eventually be picked up by ECHR . There have in the past been various accusations about a two tier system on extras such as water and electricity installs, which I, to now have not accepted. Does the insane TRNC government want to open its doors to all manner of investigations of corruption and double dealing, maybe they do and maybe they do not give a damn.

There is no other country in the world where taxation on purchases is less for local citizens, in fact in most countries including USA and Russia you can reclaim purchase tax as a visitor to their shores.

I take on board Sals comment about cheap prices, but have to say, that over the years, and even more now, that is what the market demanded. Going forward they will be all but worthless including to loca


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 14:40

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Message 45 of 81 in Discussion

Just for Cyprustom.I dont remember a goverment change at the time but another neighbour paid 2 weeks after me and he paid 3%.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 15:07

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Message 46 of 81 in Discussion

When I put this message on the on the board, it was firstly for general information to all who maybe about to go through the process shortly, and to forwarm of the kick-in-the-crutch they where about to recieve with the double price rise, because we certainly hadnt heard of it (another-back-door policy). Secondly it was to point out the blatent discrimination this law has created, it seems to have caused some interest, except, not a word from the Brit Res Association, why when a law like this is passed have they not at least mentioned it, and secondly, been up in arms to the govt., about it,,,,,just a thought. tom


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 15:11

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Message 47 of 81 in Discussion

I think the answer as to taking action is voting with ones feet. The TRNC government,politicians and legal system clearly don't care. Why should they if Turkey doesn't intervene? How many expats have just simply upped and left the country when they have been able to?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 15:14

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Message 48 of 81 in Discussion

Did my transfer today, I had a choice either pay the 6% and get my transfer through or leave it and wait.

I paid the 6%, just don't want to risk having a problem on the property. It hurt but probably the better of two evils.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 15:19

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Message 49 of 81 in Discussion


I think that you are missing the point.

Can you explain to me why you think that it is fair that non-cypriots have to pay twice as much as a Cypriot ??

As regards 'cheap' houses, as someone has already stated, a house is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Just because a house is 'cheaper' here than somewhere else, doesn't mean that the buyer deserves to be ripped off/discriminated against.

Let's look at it this way, if someone buys a 3 bed detached house in London and pays £500 grand for it and someone buys an identical house in Newcastle for half that price, does the buyer in Newcastle deserve to be ripped off because he paid less ?? Of course not, he paid less because the house is in Newcastle and not London.

It's not rocket science !!

I am so glad that only rented



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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 15:49

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Message 50 of 81 in Discussion

Message 43 - Relaxed payment of utility bills (a cypriot trait) Umm i see your point, but be warned you will probably be cut off, and because of the two tire system will have to pay more than your TC neighbour would if the same occurred.................. we are in a no win situation unless things change.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 17:31

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Message 51 of 81 in Discussion


I never said I 'I agreed' with anything,regarding trnc,but glad someone picked on it finally!

I have merely been pointing out the reason of why most had bought in trnc,for the past 3 years.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 18:00

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Message 52 of 81 in Discussion


'trnc' does not exist',it is a made up name so turkey can get away with accupying part of my motherland.

ps.glad this thread managed to keep your mind accupied with something different,though it is cost effective.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 18:17

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Message 53 of 81 in Discussion


' when you lived in the UK were you discriminated against?'

NO,not officialy anyway,other then being cleaned up when divorced,but thats the law in one of the most recognised coutries.

question to you,

when you bought in trnc did you know trnc was a none-recognised(made up in another word) place?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 19:35

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Message 54 of 81 in Discussion

tonyf mess 44 is stating that this abolition only applies to foreigners and is clearly racist etc. etc.

Does it and Is it? Many "foreigners" have obtained citizenship and permanent residence. Are they also included or is it "Non TRNC citizens" as opposed to "Foreigners". Could make a big difference especially if you are talking ECHR.

No personal interest as I am staying put and have already used up my 3% allowance, but I am just curious.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 21:43

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Message 55 of 81 in Discussion

Message 53 - Yes of course I did........... never envisaged it would be so corrupt and certainly didn't expect it to be like a third world county, but hey hopefully we all learn from mistakes!!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 21:44

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Message 56 of 81 in Discussion

Message 53 - Yes of course I did........... never envisaged it would be so corrupt and certainly didn't expect it to be like a third world county, but hey hopefully we all learn from mistakes!!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 22:47

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Message 57 of 81 in Discussion

Well I WAS discrimated against in the UK. Not on grounds of race but because I had worked hard to save to buy a house, when I came to rent it the law favoured irresponsible tenants who did not pay the rent and caused a lot of damage. Furthermore when I gave up and had to sell it, I had to pay for a lot of stupid forms and surveys by unqualified people which even my Agent admitted were so no use whatsoever to the purchasers but enabled the BRITISH Govt. to claw back a little more "stealth tax".


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 22:53

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Message 58 of 81 in Discussion

Furthermore it was my Council Tax which enabled people to buy Council Houses cheap and then sell them to fund a "Villa" abroad! Remember Council Tax and alll the things we objected to it being used for? At last i get dusbins emptied twice a week here!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 22:57

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Message 59 of 81 in Discussion

Bins emptied lucky you

Tax its a life long duty !



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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 23:04

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Message 60 of 81 in Discussion

It is perfectly reasonable for the TRNC authorities to wish to discourage "foreigners" from purchasing land - the way things are going the country will end up owned by non-Cypiots and apart from anything else it can only serve to unnecessarily confuse the "Greek land" issue

Increasing the cost (in this case for foreigners )is a perfectly legitimate form of discouragement this frequently used by Governments everywhere. What I personally feel is unfair is making it retrospective - once agreement has been reached on purchase the taxes should be based on those pertaining at that point. In my view those aggrieved should concentrate on that point and refrain from abusing their host Government and people generally.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 23:17

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Message 61 of 81 in Discussion

As for discrimination, if expats continue to behave badly, getting drunk and disorderly , flouting customs and religion. making unreasonable demands on the sytem and abusing th eGovernment and people in a manner which would have seriously consequences in a less tolerant regime there will be discrimination. There is and already the innocent are suffering for the guilty.

It is past time the expat community took a good look at itself, stopped thowing its toys out of the pram and addressed the undoubted problems in an adult and civilised manner. And made it clear that the decent among us do not condone bad behaviour,


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 23:29

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Message 62 of 81 in Discussion


'Making unreasonable demands on the system'

What demands would those be ??? We have no rights here so are unable to demand anything !!

Please take off your rose tinted spectacles and come into the 21st century.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2011 23:55

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Message 63 of 81 in Discussion


After reading BizziLizzi's post a couple of times decided my reply would be to say the least difficult, you answered for me up front and personal!

I don't know about rose tinted spectacles? how about a load of old rubbish!


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 00:13

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Message 64 of 81 in Discussion

"unreasonable demands on the system"

.................. that would be transparency, accountability, equality, legal justice and most of all honesty, would it?

We are not exactly in touch with reality are we?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 01:16

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Message 65 of 81 in Discussion

As for discrimination, if expats continue to behave badly, getting drunk and disorderly , flouting customs and religion. making unreasonable demands on the sytem and abusing th eGovernment and people in a manner which would have seriously consequences in a less tolerant regime there will be discrimination. There is and already the innocent are suffering for the guilty.

It is past time the expat community took a good look at itself, stopped thowing its toys out of the pram and addressed the undoubted problems in an adult and civilised manner. And made it clear that the decent among us do not condone bad behaviour,


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 09:33

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Message 66 of 81 in Discussion

Bizzi Lizzi

So you believe that the government is right to discriminate against any non-cypriots purely because we have the temerity to complain if we believe that we have been wronged ? It is called free speech and the foundation of any democracy.

You referred to the 'government' as a regime, probably the only correct thing that you have said in any of your posts on this thread.

As for expat 'bad behaviour', I am not disputing that there are a few bad apples, just as there are in any society. However, on reading the newspapers, the number of expats who find themselves in court because of the wrongs that they have committed is miniscule compared to the number of expats who find themselves in court trying to right serious wrongs done against them.

As for it being reasonable for the TRNC authorities to discourage foreign buyers from buying land, if this is the case then why do they not just come out and say so ?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 10:18

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Message 67 of 81 in Discussion

bizzilizzi, As one of the expats who has been arrested, I think I have a right to tell you do not have the slightest idea about the majoirty of the ex pats here. They are law abiding, they do like a drink but not many are the drunken trouble makers you describe. I have seen TC's drunk and not very nice, but so few I would not be foolish enough to generalise.

I was arrested because I was in the Road my house is in (stolen from me illegally by Akfinans Bank) quietly talking with my former neighbours. I was detained at Lapta police station for three hours. I have had 4 police officers descend on my new home and confiscate my laptop (Laura) my crime, someone didnt like my writing. I have been detained in Girne Police Station. I am still awaiting the pomised prosecution and the return of my laptop one year plus on.

I heard it from the horses mouth when I asked why the discount had been abolished....wait for seems houses are cheap here anyway.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 10:25

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Message 68 of 81 in Discussion

I repeated something I had read on here, they are cheap in Newcastle when you compare them with London prices and using the same comparison. I told him this is Newcastle not London... he chose not to reply Remember no-one forced anyone to sell to us. This change is racist and I told him so.

You can pull out every excuse in the book, but WRONG IS WRONG, and this is racist yet another nail in the coffin of the terminally ill property market.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 11:10

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Message 69 of 81 in Discussion

'Message 66 'As for it being reasonable for the TRNC authorities to discourage foreign buyers from buying land, if this is the case then why do they not just come out and say so ?

Because they know which side their bread is buttered!!!


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 12:48

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Message 70 of 81 in Discussion

I bumped in to solicitor this morning in the tax office and she said its very worrying about what the government has done. She is trying to find out more but she said there was no warning. She now has to email her clients with the "Good News" She is very angry about this as it adds 11percent to the procedure.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 16:03

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Message 71 of 81 in Discussion

This is all very confusing. I asked my solicitor yesterday because I am about to pay for the title transfer and had an email back yesterday saying that this is not coming in until December?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 16:36

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Message 72 of 81 in Discussion

judyr, no confusion, suggest you get back onto your solicitor and tell them to do their job right, I have a copy of the actual govt document, and it states "from 12/10/11" I informed my solicitor, she then checked with the ministry and yes it is correct, the very people who should know, obviously dont, and there supposedly looking after your interests, some hope eh,,,,,,,,,tom


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 17:16

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Message 73 of 81 in Discussion

judyr, I did my transfer yesterday and had to pay 6%, no negotiation, just had to swallow it, either that or no deeds.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2011 22:52

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Message 74 of 81 in Discussion

Blatant discrimination it is ... and as usual it is to do with a individual ministerial lack of integrity. They never cease to amaze and surprise to what depths they can sink.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2011 08:42

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Message 75 of 81 in Discussion

How do they know if the government doesnt tell them? Do they have to call government offices every day to check changes in legislation? I wonder how you get hold of government documents?


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Message Posted:
04/11/2011 10:18

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Message 76 of 81 in Discussion

bizzi lizzi If the trnc government wants to curtail land sales to foreigners , why did they increase the land area they could purchase from 1 to 5 donums


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Message Posted:
04/11/2011 14:45

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Message 77 of 81 in Discussion

cyprustom - the BRS knew as much as you did! In others words nothing til it happened. Not mind readers. As usual have to try and lodge "complaint" after the event.

Incidentally referring to another post, we got an e mail from our advocate (a round robin one) informing all clients (whether or not involved) of the change to 6% yesterday and saying they were very sorry and also complaining. Does affect us, as though got kocan in spring, tax is not paid until the end of the year when they have worked it out!!


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Message Posted:
04/11/2011 15:42

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Message 78 of 81 in Discussion

More discrimination, but nothing like 3% to 6% though. Have been buying my contact lenses from the same outlet for 6 years and up until now have paid a 20tl deposit. Last week I was asked to leave deposit of 100tl (the whole bill will be less than 150tl). Why? A TC shrug. I'd bet my pension that a local doesn't have to come up with 100tl up front!! Do they think I'm going to do a runner....why? I can't see without wearing them for heaven sake.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2011 00:46

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Message 79 of 81 in Discussion

The trnc administration is a democratic entity elected at the discretion of the priviliged holders of voting rights. As all know. It is the select and privilliged local Cypriot community that hold the freedom and privilage. It is the case that almost all foreigners have no voting rights or real freedoms and are therfore the soft target for any legislation that is likely to alienate. This is the reasoning for the unfair treatment. In truth, many local "voters" probably support such legislation and treatment.

Whilst ex-pats remain the dispensible "non voting" cash cows, I fear the unjust treatment will continue.

It is very unlikely indeed that voting privilages will come any time soon. Should EU status be installed then some possible change could be forthcomming.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2011 10:26

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Message 80 of 81 in Discussion

Anyone else fancy a little bit of whatever it is that Bizzilzizi is on?

Her posts are either remarkably naive or................................she's Pikey reincarnated!


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Message Posted:
08/11/2011 10:43

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Message 81 of 81 in Discussion

I think Bizzilizzie fell foul of having a bad tenant in the UK, not different to what happens here and it sound as it when she sold the HIPPS pack law was in force and she had to get the survey etc, just like we all did, no discrimination just selling at that time was more fraught for everyone in the UK regardless of race, colour or creed.

As for the rest of it, generalisation to excuse a racist act, just that an excuse, not a reason.

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