North Cyprus Tourist Board - Black&White Kitten Looking for a Home
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Black&White Kitten Looking for a Home

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Joined: 24/10/2008
Posts: 336

Message Posted:
17/11/2011 17:53

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Hi all,

A kitten has turned up outside our apartment buildling. We've provided a safe place for it outside, just a few metres from where it was found. It's been over 24 hours and no sign of the mum.

Our current cat is quite agressive toward it, and we can't really look after a second pet at the moment, so we're a bit stuck.

It is very small, probably just a few weeks old. It has a black and white coat.

If any one is looking for a kitten for their home then let us know. We're a bit stuck at the moment what to do.

We will contact KAR at the weekend if no-one has a home they can offer.

Just wanted to see if anyone can take first.



Joined: 24/10/2008
Posts: 336

Message Posted:
18/11/2011 09:25

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Home found for the kitten!

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