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[ APP ] View this spectacular panorama photo!

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Joined: 19/05/2008
Posts: 11281

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 10:35

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Message 1 of 9 in Discussion

My Dutch friend Bo de Visser (professional photographer) shows below what can be done with the 5 Megapixel camera in an Apple iPhone 4. The panorama photo was taken at the "Oosterse Markt" (Asian and Turkish market) in Beverwijk, the Netherlands. Click in the picture and move your cursor or use the arrows.

Click this safe URL: ▶ [ ].

The app is for sale in the App Store: Euro 1,59. Just bought it also...


Joined: 07/11/2011
Posts: 277

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 11:02

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Message 2 of 9 in Discussion

I wish letting agents in cyprus used this method.


Joined: 23/12/2007
Posts: 2197

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 11:59

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Message 3 of 9 in Discussion

Very impressive.


Joined: 23/12/2008
Posts: 1374

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 12:01

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Message 4 of 9 in Discussion



Joined: 23/08/2011
Posts: 225

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 12:22

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Message 5 of 9 in Discussion

sent me dizzy DC,great way to photograph!!!



Joined: 19/05/2008
Posts: 11281

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 12:29

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Message 6 of 9 in Discussion

If you interested to see more stunning examples:

▶ [ ].

You'll be amazed!


Joined: 19/05/2008
Posts: 11281

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 12:59

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Message 7 of 9 in Discussion


"If you interested..." should read "If you're interested...".


Joined: 19/05/2008
Posts: 11281

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 13:59

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

Another recent example - my friend Bo ready to travel to Rome from Eindhoven Airport, the Netherlands.

Click this safe link: ▶ [ ].


Joined: 19/05/2008
Posts: 11281

Message Posted:
14/12/2011 21:07

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

Another one, taken locally:

Click this safe thread: ▶ [ ].

Also visit this thread: ▶ [ ].

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