hiv / hep c tests for trnc residencyNorth Cyprus Forums Homepage Join Cyprus44 Board | Already a member? Login
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Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 17:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 1 of 131 in Discussion |
| Have you or your partner/ spouse been told you have hiv or hep c in trnc ? Then had to have the RIBA test or another that came back negative ? Was your first test positive ? was your second test result negative How much did you end up paying ? Were you stressed out? Were you frightened to speak out about your experience ? |
Joined: 28/07/2009 Posts: 3829
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 17:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 2 of 131 in Discussion |
| How about you minding your own business? |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 17:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 3 of 131 in Discussion |
| Well now, there is a really helpful reply! It is a subject that should concern all those who go for blood tests for residency - of course if you are just a 90 day border skipper then you would not be interested I guess. For myself I am already concerned about the way blood tests are taken in the TRNC, it is no problem for me at the moment,as I am over 60, but for my wife it could be tragic for us both if she were suddenly to prove positive through no fault of her own. It is not the stigma attached to a false positive but the overall cost of proving it to be false that is the main cause for concern! |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 17:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 4 of 131 in Discussion |
| There was an article in the Cyprus today about this and a couple of other cases something to do with getting false positive results I think. What the article didn't make clear was which lab did the initial test and how and when was the individual advised. Did the the lab contact them directly or did they only find out when they took their results to immigration? |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 17:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 5 of 131 in Discussion |
| Deniz1 did you not see last weeks front page or this weeks page 3 of cyprus today ? 1 case of hiv false positive result and this week a case of hep c false positive result ! Both victims were / are extremely stressed & upset by events. Thank you for the warm welcome by the way. |
Joined: 01/10/2011 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 18:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 6 of 131 in Discussion |
| This subject does need to be addressed and records kept. It is an atrocious situation, these tests are quite ridiculous and humiliating. I was told by the lab which did mine last year that I was not to open the envelope before presenting it to immigration. Not allowed to view the results for a test on MY blood for which I HAD PAID. So presumeably one cannot ascertain the result this year before immigration get hold of it. There are not so many english speaking ex-pats of less than 60 yrs in this country, and we know of two cases of false results from the paper. So "reporter" is absolutely right to ask these questions, chances are that the percentage of false results is totally unacceptable, in which case something needs to be done about it before more people suffer this indignity. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 18:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 7 of 131 in Discussion |
| ARE YOU LIVING IN TRNC ? DO YOU FIT IN TO THE CATEGORY BELOW ? HAVE YOU TOLD YOUR LIFE / HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY YOU HAVE BEEN TESTED FOR HEP C / HIV ? HCV testing is recommended for anyone at increased risk for HCV infection, including: Persons who have ever injected illegal drugs, including those who injected only once many years ago Recipients of clotting factor concentrates made before 1987 Recipients of blood transfusions or solid organ transplants before July 1992 Patients who have ever received long-term hemodialysis treatment Persons with known exposures to HCV, such as health care workers after needlesticks involving HCV-positive blood recipients of blood or organs from a donor who later tested HCV-positive All persons with HIV infection Patients with signs or symptoms of liver disease (e.g., abnormal liver enzyme tests) Children born to HCV-positive mothers (to avoid detecting maternal antibody, these children should not be tested before |
Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 21:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 9 of 131 in Discussion |
| So very pleased you can now post links And I do hope that others come forward if they have had the same problems. Fight this together. Spider,X |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 30/01/2012 21:18 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 10 of 131 in Discussion |
| "Reports are emerging of many many people being fleeced after supposedly testing positive at mainly government labs." Interesting that is why I asked which labs initially did the tests that provided a positive result and which labs subsequently provided a negative result. Perhaps there is a common denominator here. Does anyone know which lab did the initial test in the latest case reported in the Cyprus Mail on Saturday? |
Joined: 06/11/2008 Posts: 76
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 08:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 11 of 131 in Discussion |
| Reporter re post 10 ..... Do you have any information on this you can report ? |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 08:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 12 of 131 in Discussion |
| Msg 4: "What the article didn't make clear was which lab did the initial test and how and when was the individual advised. Did the the lab contact them directly or did they only find out when they took their results to immigration?" 1st test - Girne State Hospital - following day contacted by Ministry of Health and told to report there. Result = Positive. Cost 135 tl 2nd test - Lefkosa State Hospital - Result = Positive. Cost 60 tl 2 x Tests carried out at one of the top private laboratories in Lefkosa. Both results = Negative. Cost 50tl (Not acceptable to Ministry of Health) 3rd test - Sent to taken at Lefkosa State Hospital but sent to Turkey, result = Negative. Cost 500 tl. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 08:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 13 of 131 in Discussion |
| I did not see Saturdays Cyprus Mail has any one got a link to the article ? |
Joined: 06/11/2008 Posts: 76
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 09:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 14 of 131 in Discussion |
| Reporting... read the replies... it was the Cyprus Today which carried the article. For someone so concerned about the subject with your title, you dont seem to have done much research. You wouldnt be a multiple id poster would you ? Wit an email adresse of i would think you were well informed |
Joined: 13/03/2009 Posts: 336
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 09:36 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 15 of 131 in Discussion |
| The Cyprus Mail is the paper on the south side. |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 09:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 16 of 131 in Discussion |
| reporting you posted the links yourself in message 8 unless I have misunderstood ????????? |
Joined: 06/11/2008 Posts: 76
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 09:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 17 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thats right GinaC, thats how i read it too. Seems like another wind up merchant on something that is an important subject..... aah well lets see if reporter reports or not ............... |
Joined: 06/11/2008 Posts: 76
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 10:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 18 of 131 in Discussion |
| Well theres a suprise........ Reporter who was online, isnt now. Perhaps he will join us under another name shortly.. |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 10:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 19 of 131 in Discussion |
| As far as i can see, reporting is simply trying to raise awareness for a subject that really does need to be discussed. Why does everything have to be so sinister for you people?? For what it's worth, i think this is something that really needs to be looked into!! DD |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 10:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 20 of 131 in Discussion |
| DD I agree it is a serious matter, I'm not seeing anything sinister I'm just getting confused by some of the posts made by reporting. Does anyone know the facts about this latest case and can anyone publish them on here as the Cyprus Today did not present them as far as I can remember. A timeline of events, which labs were used how was the person being tested informed of the first positive result etc. By the way thank you teatime for message 12. It would be useful to have the same information for the latest case. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 11:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 21 of 131 in Discussion |
| quote from Message 10 " Does anyone know which lab did the initial test in the latest case reported in the Cyprus Mail on Saturday? " I was warned not to post on here as it would only lead to a bun fight , it looks like I should have heeded the warning judging by some of the replies. |
Joined: 06/11/2008 Posts: 76
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 11:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 22 of 131 in Discussion |
| If you look at the second link on post no 8, i would guess that that was one of the labs used for one of the tests. The lab in question is near the Bellapais traffic lights. This is a subject that needs discussing and should be of concern to anyone applying for residency if the results are coming back inacurate. Maybe Mr watson can give us a timeline of the testing and results, as he is the person who will have paid for any tests. |
Joined: 05/09/2008 Posts: 3039
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 12:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 23 of 131 in Discussion |
| One has to wonder how many people have not spoken about this and simply either paid or been deported, there is also the strain it would put on any couple! Mr Watson cannot give a timeline of events on this forum as he is banned, he is however posting extensive information on his own forum. |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 13:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 24 of 131 in Discussion |
| can anyone tell me when you have done the blood test chest xray, as i have just done this morning, do you have to go and pick up the results up yourself at the hospital, all being well,or are they forwarded to immigration ready for when you go to renew stamp in passport. thanx |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 13:17 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 25 of 131 in Discussion |
| If all is OK, you pick them up from hospital in sealed envelope, which you must not open, and then take that to imigration. |
Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 13:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 26 of 131 in Discussion |
| teatime; ..."3rd test - Sent to taken at Lefkosa State Hospital but sent to Turkey, result = Negative. Cost 500 tl." The question I would ask here is "sent by whom?". My reason for that would be 'the other side of the coin!' Many who may have genuinely been prevented from taking up proffessions that may contaminate and endanger the others could in fact use someone else blood or sent afriend to a private clinic for tests where ID checks may not be as stringent as in a state hospital. If the test in Turkey involved sending of the blood sample by an individual, then I have serious doubts about the outcome for above reasons. If it was sent by a private professional, then one would again be suspicious of exactly whose blood was sent! For genuine results, it would be a lot cheaper to get a 200 tl day trip to İstanbul or Ankara and get a result for 50 tl from a state hospital (one would be 250 tl better off) - but then again that would require all the stringent ID checks |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 13:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 27 of 131 in Discussion |
| The first time i did a blood test and picked it up, i immediately opened the envelope, curiosity totally got the better of me) and i was shocked to see an A4 paper with the results of loads of other peoples tests (mine too) in there!! Imagine if i'd opened it up to see a friends name on that list that tested positive for something like HIV...the shock would have been awful, not to mention privacy laws being broken! DD |
Joined: 08/09/2008 Posts: 1588
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 14:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 28 of 131 in Discussion |
| Having just spoken to a friend who is currently doing his residency.......he came up with a good idea (I think). Take another sample bottle with you when you go for your blood test, and get 2. One for them and one that you can do privately should the need arise. Out of interest, does anyone know how long you can keep a sample of blood for, before it is rendered useless ??? |
Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 14:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 29 of 131 in Discussion |
| Metin! How will the private test centre know the blood in the bottle belongs to the person who brought it in |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 14:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 30 of 131 in Discussion |
| ok can anyone tell which part of the hospital you pic the up from, where you pay your money in for test it says something about a room no 307 but wasnt sure what that was for and how many days do i leave it untill picking results up. |
Joined: 01/10/2011 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 14:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 31 of 131 in Discussion |
| Re 27; That was absolutely appalling behaviour, to hand out a list of lots of people's results to a member of the public. Metin, a good idea, but why on earth should it be necessary? What can be done about this fiasco? The only thing that I can think of is for the english ex-pats who have a grievance of any nature with this to report it in writing to the BRS, and hopefully those of other nationalities, especially the Turkish speakers, can make their voice heard somewhere relevant. |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 14:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 32 of 131 in Discussion |
| I'm rather curious as to wether anyone else opened their letter with the blood results in...and what they found in there....perhaps it might be an idea to open the letter, and if it says positive for any of the tests, re-do the test and get another letter...just a thought.. DD |
Joined: 01/10/2011 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 15:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 33 of 131 in Discussion |
| I was given my letter after successful residency renewal last May, it had been done by a private lab and contained only my results. I think that this year I may just open my letter "by mistake" beforehand, in view of what has been happening with results, if I can pluck up the courage like daisy dukes! Or will this result in a rejection by immigration? |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 15:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 34 of 131 in Discussion |
| msg 33...just do it carefully...they are normally too busy to really care...they didn't even look at my envelope! DD |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 15:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 35 of 131 in Discussion |
| ok can anyone tell which part of the hospital you pic the up from, where you pay your money in for test it says something about a room no 307 but wasnt sure what that was for and how many days do i leave it untill picking results up. |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 15:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 36 of 131 in Discussion |
| Msg 26: BigOz Blood taken at Lefkosa Hospital and sent by them to Turkey, the only method the Ministry of Health will accept. |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 16:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 37 of 131 in Discussion |
| We had to have blood taken and did the vampire run this morning. Girne state hospital was disgustingly dirty. Hubby asked if we could go to private lab instead. NO. So upstairs we went, to a filty room littered with rubbish. Sat down sleave rolled up the woman came in wearing gloves that looked like she had had them on all morning. Hubby said to her are you putting on fresh gloves? as he had said it she just stuck the needle into my arm. Then she did his, still no change of gloves. The poor Russian woman behind us in the cue was terrified. She shared the same gloves as well! And we are all wondering why they are getting wrong results? No fresh gloves, filthy room littered with rubbish and no hand gel in sight. We won't be doing it next year thats for sure! |
Joined: 08/09/2008 Posts: 1588
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 16:10 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 38 of 131 in Discussion |
| bigOz re message 29 its for your own peace of case the hospital make a mistake. |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 16:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 39 of 131 in Discussion |
| Well, this has definitely given me pause for thought!! I have had to go to the hospital several times over the years for one thing or another...and i inevitably get a shot of something or other...but, i have never once seen the needle being opened from the packet, and i have never seen the needle being loaded...i hope to god they use new needles everytime...but judging by what blade has just said, i'm not holding my breath...maybe these positives really are positives!!! Perish the thought!! Perhaps next time you go for blood testing, or have to have any type of shot, insist on seeing the new needle being taken out of its packet! DD |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 16:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 40 of 131 in Discussion |
| blade, do you know when or where you have to pick your results please, not getting answers here, i did mine this morning too, same happy woman , (i think not). Then the chest xray was alot better than the first tme i did it 8 years ago in Lefkosia. so not knocking it |
Joined: 17/06/2009 Posts: 136
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 16:40 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 41 of 131 in Discussion |
| Blade I know what you felt. I feel that every time here when Im going to state hospitals. Same it is happening in Famagusta state hospital - they do not want to change gloves, or even they are not wearing them and not willing to put... Once I told to nurse: please change the gloves or I wont give you my hand for blood test (it was other test not for residency), and she told me: "If you dont like here you are free to get out", and so I "get out". I came other day and there was other nurse and she changed the gloves on my request Same situation me and my husband had in Lefkosa State Hospital. We were getting married and we had to make blood test for marriage (stupidity I know but its a must), so we faced same stiuation as you in Girne. One woman with gloves that she probably never takes off, long queue, all was happening not in the hostpial lab or room but simply at hostpial's dirty corridor...terrible, I told to my husband I prefer to die in my own home thatn going to state hospital. |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 17:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 42 of 131 in Discussion |
| Do all blood tests for residency have to be taken at the State Hospitals? |
Joined: 30/06/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 18:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 43 of 131 in Discussion |
| "disgustingly dirty" "filthy room littered with rubbish" "no change of gloves" All the state hospitals here are a BREEDING ground for HEPATITIS C anyone who values there health will avoid them like the plague as they have no respect for anybody's health. BE WARNED. THE BRITISH RESIDENTS SOCIETY SHOULD BE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 18:15 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 44 of 131 in Discussion |
| i have had an email to say |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 18:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 45 of 131 in Discussion |
| I have had an email to say Mr. Watson has until Thursday to be tested or Immigration will be informed & the deportation process will start ! PERHAPS ALL UNDER 60S SHOULD LEAVE TRNC ? Research has revealed up to 41% people at low risk of hep c could have a false positive result ! |
Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 18:30 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 46 of 131 in Discussion |
| Shame on all the moaners about TRNC health care. I'm still (daily) grateful about the care I got when I needed it. Thank you heart surgeon dr. Halit Ö., his assistants and all the nurses who did their very best (though different from the standards in my native country). If you don't trust the TRNC health care - go back to the UK NHS and hope for a place on the waiting list (three, nine months?). Tell the surgeons, doctors and nurses here: "No, thank you. I don't want your help in this dirty hospital". Next say hello to Petrus. P.S. By the way. Did the multiple ID poster in msg 1 mention that too much drinking makes people vulnerable to Hepatitis C virus? |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 18:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 47 of 131 in Discussion |
| Han's, as a member of the BRS, when was the last time you took a visit to the Girne State Hospital to have a look at how conditions have improved/deteriorated since your last visit? I have no complaints about the State Health Care here but I have a grave concern over testing standards in over worked places like these. It is the same in any country where health care is given a low priority and invested interest is placed in private practice and "consultants" who can charge any fee they wish after they have finished their normal employment hours for the State. Hence my question above: Do all blood tests for residency have to be taken at the State Hospitals? Not moaning about TRNC Health Care, just concerned that people can go in healthy and come out unhealthy through no fault of their own. By the way, I do not think that the BRS has any authority in this area whatsoever but they may like to inform their members of current conditions! |
Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 19:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 48 of 131 in Discussion |
| @ msg 47, waddo: (...) Han's, as a member of the BRS, when was the last time you took a visit to the Girne State Hospital to have a look at how conditions have improved/deteriorated since your last visit? (...) ▶ Waddo, I have to go back to the Lefkoşa State Hospital every six months for a check-up - I have NO complaints. I don't think I'd be treated with more care in Holland (I don't have any experiences in the UK though - any better there?). |
Joined: 17/01/2011 Posts: 3534
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 19:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 49 of 131 in Discussion |
| Welcome back Msg27 |
Joined: 31/10/2010 Posts: 1202
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:04 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 50 of 131 in Discussion |
| I really do not want to join this argument but I will say that when I went to the Haemodialysis Unit at Lefkosa hospital to give some blood which was needed urgently, I was not swabbed with anything prior to donation needle going in, neither did the technician/doctor wear gloves, I was not impressed as he had just dealt with another donor. I asked the lady who came with me also to donate whether she was swabbed and she said "yes, but then he rubbed the vein with his finger!" What's the alternative though? Would I say I was not going again because of this? A huge no is my answer, I will always give blood whilst I can and I know the needles are brand new so a very tiny risk. We have to use perspective here. If I ever need blood I am not going to say "put your gloves on and let me see you unwrap a needle before I let you save my life - Perspective. |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 51 of 131 in Discussion |
| Han's, Its good to hear that you have no complaints, gives me more hope that all is not always as reported - might be on some days but in the main I think I would find it to be ok. Only time I was in hospital in UK was 2004 for a hernia operation - the surgeon had the xray back to front and put the mark where he would cut on the wrong side of my stomach! When I pointed it out he marked through it with his felt tip pen, wrote "Wrong" across it and put the mark on the other side! When I woke up I was told if I could eat and drink and walk the length of the ward I could leave that night - 40 mins later I was out in the car park and never returned!!!!!! My stitches were removed by my GP who was disgusted with the overall job and that the internal stitches were not dissoluble - he had to open up the healed wound and cut and remove the internals - not a happy boy. So is it better in the UK? - depends on how long you want to live I guess - I like it better here!!! |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 52 of 131 in Discussion |
| " join this argument " ?? there is/ was none The question is how reliable are hiv / hep c tests in light of recent reports in Cyprus today , any one with nothing to add on Topic PLEASE POST ELSEWHERE . |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 53 of 131 in Discussion |
| waddo msg 47: Not all tests are done at the hospital, depends how lucky you are, you report to the hospital and they either send you to a private lab or upstairs...where it is chaos, if Hans thinks that it's good he must have been in some pretty rough places. If we are told to go upstairs next time we will walk out. |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 54 of 131 in Discussion |
| Hans...of course you are right!! To have an emergency operation in the UK, you could be waiting up to 6 months, in some cases even longer!! However...this thread is NOT about the healthcare in the UK, it is about blood testing and health care in the TRNC! Which seems to have deteriorated quite badly! To have to pay 500tl for re-testing in Turkey is ridiculous and totally smacks of a good earner!! If you can't be helpful or say anything nice, perhaps it's best to say nothing at have managed to for a bit of time now since your ban.. Your constant banging on about multiple ID's is getting silly now...and even so what...this is a totally valid subject and seriously needs to be addressed!! So please for once, let this one go, and let some sort of plan be made and agreed upon. DD |
Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:35 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 55 of 131 in Discussion |
| Back on subject; This isn't a 'lets have a go at TRNC healthcare' thread But a serious question about testing standards at state labs. Our Dutch friend (and he is a decent guy) may well wish to turn this against the hated Brits but as he's over 60 it's not his problem. The BRS should get involved, but don't hold your breath. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 56 of 131 in Discussion |
| BRS are involved but have nothing to report Yet but watch Cyprus Today tomorrow for the latest on this FIASCO . |
Joined: 19/05/2008 Posts: 11281
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 57 of 131 in Discussion |
| @ msg 54, DD: (...) Your constant banging on about multiple ID's is getting silly now...and even so what... (...) ▶ I'm afraid you don't understand the rules of this board. Banned (for life) people on C44 are not supposed to write here. Especially not using a handful of unauthorised nicknames (aka false ID's) - only confusing people who are new here and have no idea how they are fooled in many posts. @ msg 55, newscoop: (...) may well wish to turn this against the hated Brits (...) ▶ Your problem is an imagined problem, my dear friend Rev. But there's help available - try the Lefkoşa State Hospital. |
Joined: 28/12/2007 Posts: 444
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 20:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 58 of 131 in Discussion |
| wallysend, Room 307, on the same level where you paid, just come back from the pay desk, keep the canteen on your left go through the double door way turn right and then right again room 307 second on your left. 7 days is required, we got our results this morning having done the tests last Tuesday. |
daisy dukes
Joined: 06/09/2008 Posts: 3815
Message Posted: 31/01/2012 21:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 59 of 131 in Discussion |
| msg 57. Please do not patronise me!! I am fully aware of what 'multiple ID's are...however, if someone gets banned, and has something to say, then an extra ID is the only way to go about it! The owner of the board is not really that bothered about it does bring in extra reveue in why should you be so bothered?? It's not your board (although one would be forgiven in thinking that it was) so, please, for your own sanity, (and mine) let it go, the only person get all tied up in knots over this is you, (and yes, i am being patronising) Now please, if you don't mind, us Brits have something rather serious to discuss here...and it's probably best if you don't interfere anymore. DD |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 07:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 61 of 131 in Discussion |
| Teatime, msg 53 - thank you, at last an answer to the question. Now I know what to do if directed upstairs it has become simple, come back another day. |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 09:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 62 of 131 in Discussion |
| thank you, great help |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 13:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 63 of 131 in Discussion |
| Hans, if you were in the same position and they were saying you have hep C. How would you be feeling? Why is it you need to kick someone when they are down? How unkind can a person be?? I have read plenty on this hep C and not in the UK or the USA can i find anything that mentions people who drink are more likely to get it. What they do say is if you have it already and then you drink you are in big trouble. Thats a massive difference from what you are saying. So please can you share your link with everyone? As for the hospital, lucky for you it worked out ok and you didn't catch anything. Maybe others won't be so lucky due to poor hygene standards. I am guessing that in Holland standards are not that good anyway, as my friend just had her baby, left in painfull labour for three days . Any female member here would know thats not acceptable.That wouldn't happen in the UK on the NHS. Don't knock the NHS after all the TC's fly back to use it, maybe that tells you something? |
Joined: 18/05/2008 Posts: 1720
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 15:50 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 64 of 131 in Discussion |
| Hans I hardly think that anyone should feel ashamed for commenting on the cleanliness of the hospital and the apparent mistakes that are made at a facility that the government FORCES expats to attend in order to comply with residency requirements. Expats have no choice but to go there if they want to apply for residency. I know that you struggle to find anything wrong with the TRNC although I do recall a posting of yours when you complained bitterly after being 'overcharged' 5TL when you had your car washed. Personally, I think that the above complaints/observations are totally justified, unlike your own singular complaint |
Joined: 25/02/2007 Posts: 2641
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 16:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 65 of 131 in Discussion |
| Hans you are totally out of order to dismiss an issue that could result in people becoming infected with blood borne viruses. Hep B, Hep C and HIV (and lots more) can all be contracted from contaminated blood stained equipment and the failure of staff to wash their hands and apply new gloves between each patient. As usual you have viewed a serious topic, which has major health implications, as people unjustly criticising your beloved TRNC without reason. Your continual remark suggesting that people who do not like it go home, shows that rather than tackle major issues constructively and improve poor standards, residents should bury their heads in the sand and live with a system that could actually do them harm. Stop defending bad practice that puts peoples health at risk. Have the guts to look at the information being provided and stop measuring its content by the effect it has on the reputation of the TRNC. |
Joined: 25/02/2007 Posts: 2641
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 16:57 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 66 of 131 in Discussion |
| My advice to all being tested is to ask politely that the person doing the blood sampling, wash their hands and apply new gloves. It's a shame that the phlebotamist carrying out this procedure is not aware of the danger she also puts herself in by failing to adhere to these STANDARD PRECAUTIONS. Gloves give workers limited protection and they are certainly not a substitute for good hand-washing. |
Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 17:19 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 67 of 131 in Discussion |
| This thread should be kept to the top, as it gives those that are under 60 and who need blood tests to watch the procedure of the blood sampling... Why any one should want to knock someone for high lighting a problem cannot be given the time of day!.. When talking to our own Dr about countries with not the same standard as ours, he advised us to always take our own needles and syringes, and gloves etc just to safe guard ourselves ... We always travelled with these just in case, so perhaps this is something people may/can do when going to have blood taken in NC ... |
Joined: 12/08/2011 Posts: 15
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 17:22 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 68 of 131 in Discussion |
| I totally agree with Bradus Message 65 about DutchCrusaders attitude he should think before he puts pen to paper (so to speak). I actually know somebody who contracted Hepatitis C form one of the hospitals in the T.R.N.C that person is now being treated in another country (not the U.K) and has been for several months in all probability that person will not get rid of it and end up permanent liver damage or worse. Basic cleanliness in the hospitals here is not much to ask, the whole blood test setup is a mess and is not needed, maybe something to do with the fact that most of the government here being doctors. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 18:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 69 of 131 in Discussion |
| I have been interviewing some Vietnamese , Pakistani, Uzbeck and main land Turkish people today. There is a widespread fear of speaking out on this issue but it is becoming clear there is a clear problem with the testing procedure in state hospitals with many people being diagnosed hep c positive, made to pay the 400 tl for a riba test which comes back with a negative result from Turkey. No one I spoke to knows of any one whose result has come back positive. |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 18:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 70 of 131 in Discussion |
| I have to have my blood done this week as part of my temporary residency, I find this all quite worrying, I have always had a problem as my veins are difficult to get into, I have had blood drawn from various parts of the body because of this including hands and ankles etc, so therefore I have felt and looked like a like a pin cushion! I am praying I am sent to a lab where it is calmer environment as usually the whole procedure distressing for me. Even when I went too the Near East hospital to help someone by donating blood, they could not get anything out of me and the blood lab are doing this all day long! Msg 68. This is truly awful. |
Joined: 19/02/2011 Posts: 1151
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 19:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 71 of 131 in Discussion |
| It was interesting to read of peoples experiences with "gloves" or no gloves. When I went to a private hospital in Lefkosa earlier this year as part of the "Womens Cancer Programme" I was horrified to note that the man taking our blood wore no gloves at all and was handling urine samples when not taking blood. He did not wash his hands either. Frightening or what |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 19:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 72 of 131 in Discussion |
| Dizzy msg 67: "When talking to our own Dr about countries with not the same standard as ours, he advised us to always take our own needles and syringes, and gloves etc just to safe guard ourselves ... We always travelled with these just in case, so perhaps this is something people may/can do when going to have blood taken in NC ... " I know of someone who actually did this and the person taken the blood just threw the syringe to one side and carried on and used her own, where she got this from and if it was sterile couldn't be determined. |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 19:34 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 73 of 131 in Discussion |
| We are going off at a tangent here. Has the latest individual to be tested Hep C positive sorted it out and had the other test the one that gets sent to Turkey? |
Joined: 26/08/2009 Posts: 687
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 19:45 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 74 of 131 in Discussion |
| At the rate people are jumping ship from this island the government will have NO income, and this is purely because of ill conceived government policies. I hope Msg 68. recovers from this ordeal This below remind you of anything ! |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 19:53 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 75 of 131 in Discussion |
| GinaC I have had an e mail today to confirm the individual from the latest case in Cyprus Today had no alternative but to give in to the blackmail, pay the money and have the test to be sent to Turkey. There were at least 20 people going for riba tests today at Lefkosa state hospital, Various nationalities all been told they were hep c positive! MILKING THE CASH COWS OR WHAT ? Girne private Lab cost for riba test 280 TL Lefkosia state hospital cost 400TL private lab cost for Hep c ( hcv) 40 TL Lefkosia state hospital cost 80TL |
Joined: 26/08/2009 Posts: 687
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 20:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 76 of 131 in Discussion |
| "MILKING THE CASH COWS" This doesn't surprise me in the slightest they have been doing this ("MILKING THE CASH COWS" ) for the last 10 years I've been here and and probably a lot longer, they will never change. I will not go for residency this year I value my health and would not risk stepping inside a disgusting hospital, you pay your money and you should have the choice of where to get the test done, simples. |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 22:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 77 of 131 in Discussion |
| wotnodeeds: Unfortunately I have to agree with you, I used to think doing "the right thing" was the way to go....Not any more! |
Joined: 26/08/2009 Posts: 687
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 22:24 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 78 of 131 in Discussion |
| Yes teatime you do the right thing and your treated like a criminal but if your a criminal, lying, cheating thief you get treated O.K. where's the sense in it ? |
Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 22:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 79 of 131 in Discussion |
| This is such a worry for all involved and I would hate to be in their situation. Stress and anxiety is a terrible thing to suffer and their are enough people living here who suffer with this because of builders/deeds and banks problems already. I know this because some attend a group that I facilitate here sharing their fears and worries, and giving each other strength and hope. If this is not investigated and the state hospital continues as it seem ! There are going to be a lot of people very fearful about going for their blood test for fear of the wrong results. I am so pleased that the last time I got mine it was just before the new law to attend the Hospital for this testing, I attended a clinic. I was also given two years residency even though I an under 60yrs of age. They seem to change things all the time here and so often get things wrong ! i must agree also that Han's seems to have got it all wrong again. This honestly is about many people as we are aware of the news.. |
Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 01/02/2012 22:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 80 of 131 in Discussion |
| con't. We are aware of the new's reports in the Cyprus Today. I feel for these all involved. It could be any one of use here as member ! Spider,X |
Joined: 17/02/2008 Posts: 2793
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 00:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 81 of 131 in Discussion |
| I am so glad that I don't have to have a blood test for residency, these poor people must be worried sick at what is going on and uncalled for and unhelpful comments from DC won't help them, I can only pray that the people affected by this get a clear result and quickly. As for the state of the State hospitals, I was taken by ambulance into Girne hospital with a severe reaction to some medication I had been prescribed, the treatment I received was excellent but the conditions of A&E left much to be desired, it was, to put it mildly, quite filthy and neglected. If DC finds these sort of conditions acceptable that is fine, but those of us with standards do expect at least some basic hygiene and cleanliness in hospitals, stating the truth is not knocking TRNC but what can't speak can't lie, standards must be improved and patients treated in a clean and safe environment. |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 07:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 82 of 131 in Discussion |
| Msg 75 How do you know this information, that at least 20 people who had the RIBA test YESTERDAY at the Lefkosa state Hospital were tested positive for Hep C please? |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 09:48 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 83 of 131 in Discussion |
| Reporting (Nige?) as you are logged in, please could you answer Msg 82? |
Joined: 17/08/2010 Posts: 761
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 11:26 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 84 of 131 in Discussion |
| As always, those that fumble on from day to day pretending they know how to run the show will miss the bigger picture. Thousands of Europeans and Turks holiday here every year. The newspapers etc in those countries need to be informed about this major Hep C epidemic, maybe they will run a story or two to enable readers to make an informed decision whether it is a safe place to visit, especially with discarded needles on beaches. Similarly, has anyone involved informed the UK High Commision, they need to think about putting a warning on their website about whether it is safe to travel to NC. Hopefully this would hit tourist numbers, and the only way to restore confidence would be for the NC assylum brigade to come out and admit mistakes. I for one will now further increase my attempts to not spend any money with TC business' and would suggest that if people need work doing etc, they only use non-indiginous people, keeping down tax revenues to offset extra costs. |
Joined: 25/01/2009 Posts: 2263
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 11:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 85 of 131 in Discussion |
| msg 83. Yes he is logged in just doesn't want to answer your question. |
Joined: 30/01/2012 Posts: 50
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 12:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 86 of 131 in Discussion |
| Message 82. I was there from 08.45-10.30 and spoke with lots of people who were there. MrsSnakes ( nige? ) who ? Woodspeckie Message 85 no I HAD NOT LOGGED OFF I think if you close your browser rather than log off the system shows you as being on line ? |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 13:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 87 of 131 in Discussion |
| Msg 86 Nigel Watson, just reading between the lines....... Woodspeckie, you said he doesnt want to answer my question.....this may be true!! However, this is a serious statement made in Reportings message 75 stating that about 20 people had blood tests done at Lefkosa State Hospital yesterday and told they had Hep C.....maybe this is a wind up, a joke....but hardly funny? |
Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 14:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 88 of 131 in Discussion |
| Possibly because again silly remarks lead to silly bans ... Surely every one should be happy for any one to high light a problem, who ever it may be .. This thread should be kept to the top... for people concerned about their health and the way perhaps the hospitals need to be made aware of hygiene aspects ... |
Joined: 30/06/2010 Posts: 40
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 15:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 89 of 131 in Discussion |
| "20 people had blood tests done at Lefkosa State Hospital yesterday and told they had Hep C" I personally think that it's a lot more given that the government has found a nice little earner here, They are basically forcing all expats under 60years into a potentially life threatening situation, the T.R.N.C needs to get it's act together or it will lose all the people that have been supporting it over the years. These tests are completely unnecessary and they will damage the economy. this so called government doesn't know what it's doing, incompetence reigns here (only second to money). |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 18:33 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 90 of 131 in Discussion |
| Snakes, i have spoken with the person who has been told he has hep c. Yes 20 people, Lefkosa hospital and all nationalities were there. It is a very worrying situation for all of us under 60's. If the hospitals are in this poor condition i can't imagine the lack of hygene in the slaughter house. Has anyone visited a slaughter house here?? Well said message 84, i have been working with the same ideas, give them nothing . |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 18:41 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 91 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thanks Blade for anwering. My turn tomorrow |
Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 19:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 92 of 131 in Discussion |
| All the best then MrsSnakes, it must be very worrying for you all,.... keep this going so others can read . |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 19:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 93 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thanks dizzycows, we went to the Police station this morning, Snakes does not have to have the blood test etc now, but I thought I would go first thing in the morning to the hospital hoping that the nurses gloves have been freshly put on....just my theory! This is a truly awful situation for the people who have had false results, causing much stress for them and their partners. I hope that the system reverts back to giving us the choice of which lab to use and nobody else has to go through this trauma. Kind regards, Mrs Snakes. |
Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 19:42 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 94 of 131 in Discussion |
| MrsSnakes. Please when you are there tomorrow can you talk to others and see how many are there trying to sort out a positive blood result. It would be interesting to see how many have had to go back again for retesting. In fact I do feel that everyone should be asking and obtaining contact with each other so all can support each other through this. Has anyone been today and thought of finding out this information. Without this how is anyone able to see the extent of this terrible mess. Spider,X Good luck MrsSnakes |
Joined: 03/01/2009 Posts: 5527
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 19:49 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 95 of 131 in Discussion |
| reporting. Saying all the above what are your thoughts with regards to the fact that the other day including yourself that was 21 people all in the same situation. What are your thoughts on how many might be going back at the end of each week or even month, now that this has been in the Cyprus Today. Have you a list of all people here that are in the same situation as yourself.Perhaps you as a group of people need to contact the papers again. All best wishes that you get this sorted soon. It must be a terrible situation for you and the others to find yourselves in. Spider,X |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 02/02/2012 20:32 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 96 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thank you Spider x |
Joined: 22/09/2009 Posts: 634
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 08:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 97 of 131 in Discussion |
| Is there anyone under 60 who has recently had "residency blood tests" at the State Hospital, and received a result which showed that they had no problems? If so, do you remember which room/department/nurse/etc took your blood. Also, the same question but to anyone who went to another place apart from the State Hospital. Thanks. |
Joined: 22/09/2009 Posts: 634
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 08:29 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 98 of 131 in Discussion |
| Or is it just one or two individuals who have suffered out of many thousands? |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 09:46 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 99 of 131 in Discussion |
| So, if it is just one or two individuals, does that make it OK??? |
Joined: 29/11/2008 Posts: 1966
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 10:06 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 100 of 131 in Discussion |
| An interesting fact to find out would also be: How many proved positive by TRNC medical facilities have then also be proven positive by Turkey medical facilities? That would give much more ammunition to the fight and help to prove that either the medical facilities here are not operating properly OR the government is just using this law as an easy income provider. Either way, unless people are prepared to take action against this policy then nothing will ever come of it - I do not mean expats of any nationality either. If there is no backing from the local Cypriot population then non-voters will have no say and just have to put up with it all. Anyone thought of having a private blood test straight after/ just before the state test? |
Joined: 22/09/2009 Posts: 634
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 10:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 101 of 131 in Discussion |
| Teatime, re: message 99. In order to answer your question, my answer, is of course, no it is not OK. My friend is the "original" lady teacher from Catalkoy who was treated like an illegal alien when she applied for residency. I was the person who was with her at the "border" when she was REFUSED entry after being told she could come back! She was told to go from Metehan to Ercan. This had to be via Athens or Stansted, not a 30 minute drive! Only the help from Cyprus Today helped prevent this ridiculous situation. (Continued) |
Joined: 22/09/2009 Posts: 634
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 10:28 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 102 of 131 in Discussion |
| (Continued) My point was to try and establish whether this "problem" is a sytematic deliberate act, or whether it was for some other reason, such as one member of staff who has something against foreigners, or the tests are perhaps, being done incorrectly, in error, by an inexperienced person. I personally do not think a few hundred TL multiplied by even every foreigner under 60 will solve, or even make a dent in the Government's financial problems. All I would like to discover is how many have been tested positive (incorrectly) against the number who have been tested negatively. Simples. (Squeak) |
Joined: 20/10/2008 Posts: 852
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 10:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 103 of 131 in Discussion |
| Unfortunately, as there is no 'Freedom of Information Act' here, I don't think anyone will ever get to the bottom of this problem. But it does seem, going by the reports in the press, that the only people quite happy with the situation is the Ministry of Health, not sure if that gives us a clue or not! |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 12:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 104 of 131 in Discussion |
| I went this morning to Girne State Hospital. Times 8.00-13.00 for anyone who wants to know. I arrived at 7.50 and was no.26 (you must get a ticket from the machine). A kind man just came up to me shortly after I arrived and gave me No. 11, he had got it for his friend who hadn't turned up. You write your name, address, phone number on the back of the police stations slip of paper, so take a pen with you or do it before hand. When your ticket number appears at the window, go and hand your slip of paper and passort to the lady. She hands you the blood sample tube with your name on it. When the payment window opens which today was 9am, go and pay 135tl when your ticket number appears. They give you 2 forms, one for blood lab, one for x-ray and your receipt for the police station. Go upstairs to blood lab. Take another ticket, when number displayed, they will give you another ticket, the door for test is No. 437 which is at the RHS of the reception window. The nurse calls the next 2 cont:- |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 12:23 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 105 of 131 in Discussion |
| cont:- numbers so 2 people go in at once. She ties a rubber glove around your upper arm. I showed no veins so needle in the back of the hand for me and bleed drips into the tube. She wore no gloves, but I understand this makes it difficult to tap a vein. A cotton wall blob was put on top of where the needle went in. My bled a little, my advice would be take a plaster!! None provided! Out and along the corridor for x-ray. Take another ticket, when number appears, go to window, then you stand in a line to the RHS of the window reception. I was asked my name the man goes back to the reception and gets your paper form. The door of the x-ray room is left open!!!!!! There were a group of lads in front of me just waiting for their turn, I realised the x-rays were being taken with us there, door open and stepped back. The man must of realised and told us all to stand a couple of yards away from the door. I left and went back to the police station, paperwork in order. Glad I am home now! Mrs S. |
Joined: 26/11/2010 Posts: 372
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 12:27 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 106 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thank you MrsSnakes. One thing that does not add up here is two of my friends have to do residency and neither of them had to have xrays just a blood test and TB test Why doesn't everybody have an xray ? |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 12:55 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 107 of 131 in Discussion |
| GinaC, I cannot answer that, sorry. In fact, although this morning I was subjected to radiation from others in front of me having the chest x-ray as the door was left wide open and each person being x-rayed was in full view, I was pleased that another needle was not stuck in my arm! Both departments were so crowded in such a small area, people coughing without covering their mouths, I felt I would come out with more than I went in with!! |
Joined: 17/11/2008 Posts: 3456
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 12:59 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 108 of 131 in Discussion |
| GinaC my understanding is, which may be wrong, is that there are two alternative methods used for checking for TB infection. The one used by the state hosptial, which is a chest x-ray and the one used by the private labs, which is I think an injection that would show a reaction if you have TB. So those that have their test done in private labs do not get an xray, they get a jab instead, which I think they should be checked again a week later to see if there is a reaction to that, that would show if they possibly have TB, though this does not always happen (check again a week later when going to private lab) in my experience. |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 13:11 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 109 of 131 in Discussion |
| Last year when we were allowed to use a private lab for the blood test and jab for showing a reaction for TB, the lab never said come back for them to check if a reaction had occured, none of my under sixty friends had to go back either. |
Joined: 18/05/2008 Posts: 1720
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 13:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 110 of 131 in Discussion |
| Having also 'appeared' at the State Hospital this morning, it would appear that everybody is being tested at the hospital and no one was being sent to the private labs. The end result is that it costs you twice as much, you queue for about 4 hours and the test is conducted in questionable sanitary conditions. Totally unnecessary and has made us think very seriously about whether we want to stay here much longer. That said, the police station was a breeze - staff were prompt and polite. |
Joined: 26/08/2009 Posts: 687
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 14:54 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 111 of 131 in Discussion |
| Message 110 fiendishpaul "think very seriously about whether we want to stay here much longer" I'm with you on this, we have been thinking the same, I've (we) have been here 10 years and no progress with residency in fact treated like a pig and accused of working every time I go I'm sick of it. |
Joined: 12/05/2009 Posts: 2736
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 16:20 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 112 of 131 in Discussion |
| MrsSnakes, was it a new needle she used from a sealed sachet? What a palava to have to endure , ...... |
Joined: 19/12/2008 Posts: 1100
Message Posted: 03/02/2012 16:39 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 113 of 131 in Discussion |
| Dizzycows, new needle used, there is a dispenser of disifectant jel on the counter by the chair in which you sit, the nurse put a blob of it to wipe the back of my hand and that was the same swab to stop the excess bleed. It was like a cattle market, overcrowded, no notices (obvisously) in English and in all, not a very nice experience. One of the reasons someone initially said when they changed the system towards the end of last year was that we are directed to the hospital because they will issue a rota of blood labs to use to make it fair for all the local labs as some were not getting the business and also that results were coming back wrong!! I think it must of been fiendishpaul we may of spoke to this morning? The Police station went very smoothly, polite, no problems there. |
Joined: 27/07/2009 Posts: 4110
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 10:37 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 114 of 131 in Discussion |
| The whole totally unnecessary rigmarole is a complete and, most likely, intentional racist insult towards EU citizens and should be discarded immediately and certainly before TRNC's already tawdry reputation, entirely of their own making, is tarnished any further. None of this nonsense is mandatory in the Republic of Cyprus [Greek side] - so why in TRNC? |
Joined: 08/08/2010 Posts: 1778
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 11:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 115 of 131 in Discussion |
| An award winning journalist and TV man from Cyprus Star and Ada TV told me of a case where a Turkish lady was tested by the hospital here in the TRNC and had a false positive, he took up her case and eventually it was proved to be an incorrect result but not before she had experienced endless intimidation by threats of deportation and her husband left her. It is not just happening to ex pats. The knock on effects of someone else's mistake is incalculable. Thank God I do not have to be tested as I am too old. |
Joined: 12/08/2011 Posts: 15
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 12:05 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 116 of 131 in Discussion |
| "so why in TRNC" Simple Tenakoutou GREED, GREED, GREED, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. I was told by my Turkish Cypriot neighbor that 15 of the people who sit on the government here are doctors so no surprise they bring in unnecessary tests for expats who have NO voice and NO rights here in the T.R.N.C is it, keeps their greedy little families in work don't you think. |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 17:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 117 of 131 in Discussion |
| Mrs Snakes, Sounds like you had a better deal than i did the week before. You saw hand gel, wow! And at least you didn't get the gloves which had been doing the rounds all morning. I am going back to collect results this week. To be honest i don't care one way or the other what they say. Those of us under 60's were vaccinated for TB at school. We don't need testing!! |
Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 21:16 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 118 of 131 in Discussion |
| Thinking logically it can't be money per se otherwise they would test everyone and their pet cat and dog. Is it the point that over 60's are more likely to contract diseases like TB, heart problems etc, and if so would go back to the UK for treatment (And for ever) thereby taking what's left of their cash with them. We all know loads of people who have done just that. |
Joined: 18/05/2008 Posts: 1720
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 22:09 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 119 of 131 in Discussion |
| Re msg 113 Hi Mrs Snakes. Yes it was me that spoke to you. Glad to hear that it wasn't quite as traumatic as you expected. Personally I found the whole experience degrading and a total waste of time and money. If the government need the cash so badly, just add 200TL to the cost of residency and save a lot of people the stress and inconvenience of this futile exercise. |
Joined: 12/08/2011 Posts: 15
Message Posted: 04/02/2012 23:58 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 120 of 131 in Discussion |
| What a lovely relaxing place to come to retire!, the atmosphere this government has created is destroying North Cyprus. |
Joined: 08/08/2010 Posts: 1778
Message Posted: 05/02/2012 09:02 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 121 of 131 in Discussion |
| munchkin - I couldn't agree sad though for the ordinary and welcoming majority of Turkish Cypriots who are losing out. I do not need blood tests but it seems there is more trouble just around the corner waiting for me. Fear and intimidation are the weapons of choice. |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 05/02/2012 19:56 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 122 of 131 in Discussion |
| Newscoop. You brought up and interesting subject as my vet tells me they are seeing a lot of dogs that have TB. |
Joined: 12/08/2011 Posts: 15
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 17:38 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 123 of 131 in Discussion |
| Yes pollymarples the Turkish Cypriots are the ones that will ultimately lose out, they can't see it now as they are always after the QUICK BUCK but they will suffer in months years to come, they just can't see the bigger picture. All they are doing now is fiddling while Rome burns. |
Joined: 29/09/2010 Posts: 1244
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 19:13 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 124 of 131 in Discussion |
| munchkin; TCs will not lose out on anything. Maybe they just do not want any more indiscriminate crowding of a small island where there is almost no place left to construct a building. Perhaps this is all done intentionally to have just the elite and the healthy foreigners occupy what can be spared for alien accomodation. As for HIV tests. We have recently had a big influx of African students from parts of Africa, who may come from HIV infested areas. They come to so called universities to line up the pockets of the few. As members of a portion of a small island with hardly any original TCs left, allow us some pleasures of paranoia please |
Joined: 19/06/2010 Posts: 1286
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 19:14 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 125 of 131 in Discussion |
| I am wondering how many TC's have suffered the same.? After all they need tests for their business activities as well. |
Joined: 01/10/2011 Posts: 23
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 21:25 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 126 of 131 in Discussion |
| I am neither an African student nor an eastern european whore, and feel insulted to be treated like one by being subjected to these tests. I am a 56 year old who has been married to one person for most of my life. I pose no threat to the health of the nation. Having lived here for many years, and despite having many "knocks", have remained positive and supported this country in whatever way I can. Last year I griped a bit about the additonal cost of the blood test, but just got on with it, as usual. But this year is another matter with the additional two trips to Lefkosa and the cattle-like treatment at the hospital. It is the straw that broke this camel's back. My attitude has now changed. I shall not renew my residency unless I need a new driving licence. My support of the TRNC will be limited strictly to the money I spend here, which is, after all, the only reason we are welcome (?). |
Joined: 23/12/2007 Posts: 2197
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 21:31 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 127 of 131 in Discussion |
| bigOz; If they just want the elite and healthy foreigners why aren't they targeting the OVER 60'S? Surely they are the ones more prone to illness? |
Joined: 12/08/2011 Posts: 15
Message Posted: 06/02/2012 23:00 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 128 of 131 in Discussion |
| bigOz do you honestly think all these "Elite healthy foreigners" that are rushing here will put up with being herded up like cattle, forced to have unnecessary HIV and TB tests in less than clean conditions, being run around getting countless other stamped letters just to be told they can only have 6 months residency regardless of what they own or how long they've been here ?, I don't think so, the true Elite wouldn't touch this place. I like Nannykathleen have been here years and played by their ever changing rules but this government is kicking people in the teeth that have supported them for many years,they are losing that support rapidly now and they will feel it. |
Joined: 09/05/2010 Posts: 30
Message Posted: 07/02/2012 14:03 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 129 of 131 in Discussion |
| just picked up blood test results from last week no problems |
Joined: 19/11/2010 Posts: 74
Message Posted: 07/02/2012 15:21 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 130 of 131 in Discussion |
| What happens if you don't renew your residency? |
Joined: 17/01/2011 Posts: 3534
Message Posted: 09/02/2012 03:07 | Join or Login to Reply | Message 131 of 131 in Discussion |
| If the needles are dirty can you refuse ? |
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