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Happy Birthday TRNC

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Joined: 10/08/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 22:23

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Happy Birthday TRNC

November 15

Sung to Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday:

You know it doesn't make much sense

There ought to be a law against

Anyone who takes offense

At a day in your celebration

'Cause we all know in our minds

That there ought to be a time

That we can set aside

To show just how much we love you

And I'm sure you will agree

It couldn't fit more perfectly

Than to have a world party on the day you came to be



Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday


I just never understood

How a people who died for good

Could not have a day that would

Be set aside for TRNC recognition

Because it should never be

Just because some cannot see

The dream as clear as we


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday


The time is overdue

For people like me and you

You know the way to truth

Is love and unity to all God's children

It should be a great event

And the whole day should be spent

In full remembrance

Of those who lived and died for the oneness of

TRNC people

So let us all begin

We know that love can win

Let it out don't hold it in

Sing it loud as you can


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday TRNC

Turkish Republic of Northern Cypruseeee (It rhymes better)!!


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 22:59

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I understand the sentiment but..........




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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 23:32

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LOL. That's ok MC.


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 23:58

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.....or MC....maybe...if you heard me sing it, you might like it? LOL.


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 00:27

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dogum gunu kutlu olsun Kuzey Kibris Turk Cumhuriyet

all stand for the İstiklāl Marşı (national anthem)

the begining of the anthem translated in to english

Fear not, the crimson flag, waving in these dawns will never fade

Before the last heart that is burning in my nation vanishes.

That is my nation's star, it will shine,

This is mine, it belongs solely to my nation.

Oh crescent do not frown for I am ready to sacrifice myself for you!

Please smile upon my heroic nation, why the anger, why the rage?

If you frown, our blood shed for you will not be worthy.

Freedom is the right of my nation who worships God and seeks what is right.

yes donna i can imagine you doing the number with your red/white sequine dress on sitting on top of a grand piano belting out the song in your deep voice with a bit of a turkish accent L.O.L L.O.L that would be one for the archives l.o.l

my final words are:

Long Live Northern Cyprus and God Bless all the people living there or who are from there and love the country!!!! and not forgetting all our adopted children (expats)

regards to all who love North Cyprus and happy birthday to our country!!!!

erkan a.k.a ukturk


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 00:39

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Hi Erkan,

Your song's much better than mine!! You're not wearing a red/white sequine dress on top of a grand piano singing it ...??? Are you? LOL.

I really like the Turkish anthem-I hum it well.

Do you think I might have a bit of a Turkish accent?

akaukturk at a distance and if you look quickly almost reads ATTATURK!! (Do I need glasses?)


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 00:59

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hi donna

no im wearing red/white sequine shirt and trousers sitting on top of a organ

in my north london cockney accent singing in turksih!!!! l.o.l

you must have a bit of an accent ok not as bad as borat (do you know borat)

ohh my gosh you are right if you do look at it quickly it does look like ataturk



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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 01:07

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Hi Attaturk aka akaukturk,

Nice outfit! But on an organ...??? The intonation, slightly Turkish but that's as close to a Turkish accent you'll get me.

I don't have a Turkish accent or a cockney accent. Just asked my husband what he thought my accent was and he said: 'Well spoken, Southern.'

I'm so glad you can see Ataturk as well, I don't need glasses. Phew!



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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 01:39

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hi donna if you look at it quickly it reads du......... got you again l.o.l

your husband wud say that l.o.l most of all south londoners say they are from kent and speak well like the queens english!!!! l.o.l

and by the way its a electric organ not a church organ that wud be painfull l.o.l

dont worry its prob just us we are showing our age im 35 next week l.o.l

take care

and in case you dont know my new motto its

do not fear erkan is hear aswell as if anyone can erkan can

super erk the super turk


i know im full of it tonite!!!!!


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 01:47

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Hi Erkan,

LOL! All your mottos.

I received the Turkish version of 'Love and Death..' from Turkey a couple of days ago. I only ordered it last week!! It only cost me a little more than £10 including delivery. I'm very impressed. Well, that's my mum's xmas present sorted out. I think it's socks for my dad(he's not a great reader.LOL).

35 is nothing compared to my age (I'm not saying.LOL).


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 01:54

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thats good i told you you aint got nothing to worry about, yeah just go down to m&s to get them socks for your dad l.o.l

if you look at your age quickly on your profile it looks like 27 what a great age in my estimate you are younger than your son, you must of had him well young!!!! l.o.l


im lucky no one celebrates xmas in turkey bar humbug i say!!!!

only joking we still do


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 02:05

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27? I wish!!

I don't 'celebrate' xmas even though I have a xmas tree (a real one), give presents, cook xmas dinner (with salata), (not really lol but my mum does); and when my boys used to go to the village primary church school, I'd go to the church and hear them sing so sweetly their lovely carols! By the way I'm NOT religious. LOL.


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 02:18

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dont forget the pilav

ahh how sweet going down to the villiage church school all together

were your boys the only turks in the villiage!!!!!!!!!! l.o.l

yeah it dont sound like your religious i bet you used to go trick or treating with your sons thou l.o.l

take care


p.s going to bed now 2:15 in the morning (turkish time) some of us have work in the morning l.o.l

good night iyi aksamlar


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 09:10

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I was in Girne on 15 November 1983 when KTFD became KKTC.

Wonderful feeling.


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 10:52

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Your words touched me deely.


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 11:00

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Hi all,

I think we should all elect ukturk for president of trnc - wjat do you think???

Think hes earned it and could do the job???

Take care-D


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 12:10

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hi guys

milou thank you!! im glad my words have some meaning and touch you

davidoff you are so lovely in thinking im president material!!!! if we ever meet up remind me to buy you a drink l.o.l

you know what i would love to become president of my nation would be a great honour ok maybe aimimng too high but i would love to be involved in something like a foreign minister or something like helping and making sure our foreign settlers migrate into cyprus life

thanks again for your kind words

warm regards

ukturk a.k.a erkan a.k.a 'do not fear erkan is here' 'if anyone can erkan can'



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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 12:35

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Happy Birthday to you TRNC (sung to the tune of Stevi....ah forget it..)

May there be a solution to Cyprus soon (partition hopefully-just my opinion).

Hi Erkan et al (mottos),

Go for it! You'd make a brilliant Foreign Minister of the TRNC. Get yourself into politics NOW!! LOL.


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 14:16

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so donna aka catwoman

i take it i got your vote then l.o.l

this can be my election slogan

north cyprus what a lovely sight

please dont have a fright

ukturk will show you the light

lets all have a chear

please do not fear erkan is here

you all can be my no 1 fan

and shout if anyone can erkan can!!!!!

what do you think of that




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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 14:29

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Hi Erkan,

I like it but it's a bit too long to be a slogan so...

I'd have:

North Cyprus, what a lovely sight

Please don't have a fright

Ukturk will show you the light

If anyone can, Erkan can

and then you need to outline what you them as the Foreign Minister.

Good luck on your journey into politics!!!(Just remember me when you're rich, powerful and famous).

Best wishes



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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 14:59

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ukturk , you are far too modest


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 15:45

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thanks guys

simbas you are right i was actually holding back L.O.L

im only joking around

to tell you the truth thou i wud not mind going in to politics it interests me quite a bit!!!!!

dont worry guys when im famous and powerfull i wont forget none of you even you simbas cant forget the welsh connection (where you from in wasles) i know a few people in nelson do you know the area been there a few times and i was the only turk in the village!!!!! l.o.l


warm regards to you all


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 16:27

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ukturk I know of it but dont know it, if you know what i mean,but i dare say those valley boys are still reeling at the thought of you , i bet they had never come across a modest turk before i bet they took to the hills clutching their crusafixes to their chests seeking solace in one of the hundred chapels around. i come from the swansea valley .i think we were totally unturked at the time i was there.

regards simbas


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Message Posted:
15/11/2007 17:03

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hi simbas

you are right they did not know wot hit them at first they were scared for their sheep maybe they thought i was going to get nasty with them (if you know wot i mean) they would all look at me funny then i was the the highlight of the village but the valley boys started to get a bit jealous cos i was getting a bit of attention from the valley girls (must say the welsh girls are very pretty even thou i cud not understand most of them) l.o.l

i wud not say swansea is unturked cos ive been there to a area called the mumbles where all posh resturants are really nice area you see im multi travelled l.o.l

anyway take care


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