North Cyprus Tourist Board - Work and Residency Permit
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Work and Residency Permit

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Joined: 29/01/2012
Posts: 18

Message Posted:
28/03/2012 09:32

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We have lived here for about 6 months and just had a baby. Does this qualify us for a residence permit? Also, can anyone tell me the process for obtaining a work permit? I'm sure that these questions have been raised before but, I am unable to find them so, please accept my apologies.


Joined: 27/07/2009
Posts: 4110

Message Posted:
28/03/2012 10:10

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Have you renewed your initial entry visa, which was probably issued for 90 days?

I should get that sorted out before you even think of trying to obtain a work permit - which for a foreigner, in this current TRNC economic climate, may prove extremely difficult.

To take on work without the necessary permit(s) puts you, if discovered working by the authorities, at risk for a huge fine and possibly deportation.

TRNC is not the Republic of Cyprus, which is an EU member and where EU citizens are allowed to work.

I hope you have some very good and trustworthy Turkish Cypriot friends with influence in 'high places', because you are sure going to need them! -------- Good luck with it all! --------

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