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Selling our Villa

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide


Joined: 04/04/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 12:51

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We are looking to sell our Villa in Ozankoy, we do not as yet have our Kocan although we anticipate having it by March 09.

Can anyone confirm if it is possible to sell without the Kocan and is it a legal requirement to sell through a local estate agent.

Any other info. on this subject would be very welcome




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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 13:46

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you dont need a kocan to sell, try Unwins, it seems they sell more property than any other agent, judging by this board. Then we can see if anyone complains about your villa....

Watch this space...


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 13:54

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Message 3 of 32 in Discussion

Re selling

You do not have to use an estate agent. They could help you

sell as they can obviously reach more buyers, however if you

use the boards you can try on those, word of mouth etc.

Good luck



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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 13:58

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Message 4 of 32 in Discussion


send some pictures, summary and price to my email and I will put them up at work you never no, Oh best to mention I'm a buildings officer for council have some 120 buildings


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:00

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Message 5 of 32 in Discussion

is that legal Taz666?


Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:05

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Message 6 of 32 in Discussion

Thank goodness this post was from you dougskud - when I first saw it I thought it might have been from Randy Lerner!!


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:06

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Message 7 of 32 in Discussion

Why sparta??? dougskud wants to sell his villa, I work for council, they are council employee noticeboards, if its not legal better run round my building and take down all the cars, caravans, prams, tables, cats, dogs, rabbits, wives that are for sale.


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:12

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that will make good headlines, Council worker sells villas, cars, caravans, prams tables, cats, dogs, rabbits and even your wife...

Well if the U.K does not reconise TRNC, how can you sell property in the u.k?

or is it ok if you work for the council?


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:18

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who said I was selling property, said I would but up dougskud villa on noticeboards, if someone is interested they can contact him, whats wrong with helping someone out for free?

the wives not a bad idea thou


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:21

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there is no problem.... can you sell my wife? good runner with years MOT, part ex for two 18 year olds


Joined: 12/12/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:43

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I thought you could only sell your property if you had your Kocan and then only sell 3 times before you are classed as a professional seller.If you dont have your Kocan then technically it is still the builders,you would then drop out of the equation and the contract is then between the buyer and the builder.If say for example you paid £50000 and were selling for a £100000 the builder would have to pay taxes on the higher price plus wait for a number of years for you to get your PTB before being able transfer the Kocan hence he may want a part of your profits.Any transaction between buyer and seller done through an estate agent has to be registered on signing of contracts thus protecting the buyer.


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:45

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not if you work for the council....


Joined: 21/12/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:51

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Message 13 of 32 in Discussion

Give up now sparta ya making mi sides hurt


Joined: 23/03/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 14:57

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Message 14 of 32 in Discussion


Might be a long shot, but put it up for sale with a Spanish/Canary Islands/Portuguese estate agent.

Compared to prices in the Euro zone, your house will look exceptional value for money, and there are thousands of Brits looking to bail out of these countries.

For anyone paid in GBP planning an overseas home, the Euro zone is about 40% dearer than last year, anyone paid in Euro's, your house (priced in GBP) just got 40% cheaper for them.

Might be with a try.

Knock on effect, if plenty of people looked at NC instead of the Euro zone, there could be a quick recovery to prices and locally collected revenues here.

There is good potential, if marketed properly in the Euro zone, and people made aware, for NC property prices to come out of the Euro disaster quite nicely.


Joined: 26/10/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 18:20

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Message 15 of 32 in Discussion

Hi Doug....our place is also in Ozankoy.

Is your villa on Turkish Title deeds?

How long have you been waiting for your Kocan?

Do you have your PTP?

What makes you think you will get your Kocan in March 09? it just based on best guesses from your advocate?

Sorry to be nosey.....but we have been waiting nearly 2 years now.


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 21:12

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Message 16 of 32 in Discussion

Try Ian Smith he doesn't get much airplay on this station unfortunately.


Joined: 18/10/2008
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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 21:17

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Good luck on selling.

But I think you will take a hell of a loss.

I think the buying market is extinct.


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Message Posted:
31/12/2008 21:40

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stewy think your right was going to buy this year but dont think we will bother now


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Message Posted:
02/01/2009 13:37

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Message 19 of 32 in Discussion

I would recommend Sunbeams, very helpful and informative -


Joined: 30/08/2008
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Message Posted:
02/01/2009 15:53

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Post No. 11

You have made a relevant point. If you do not have your title deed, the new contract will need to be between the builder and your purchaser. In this respect, you will need the services of an estate agent. If you find a buyer privately, then ask the agent to charge a nominal fee instead of their usual commission. Ian Smith is worth a try.


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:14

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Message 21 of 32 in Discussion

fatboy are you still working for ian smiths... sunbeams have good rep..


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:20

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Might be useful for some to know if thinking odf selling, deeds can be issued with no name on them, so if the property is to be sold soon after issue, this means title is issued imediately in the new owners name (good selling point) and the original owner pays no selling taxes, or so our builder informs me.


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:27

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Message 23 of 32 in Discussion

even if you dont have your PTP ? and you beleive him?


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:29

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we (and our ptp) are very fortunate to have an honest builder, than knows the rules, and helps out wherever he can.

this may not be the case for all.


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:30

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Message 25 of 32 in Discussion

do you know what PTP means?


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:40

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Message 26 of 32 in Discussion

pass the parcel, great kids party game


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:41

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Message 27 of 32 in Discussion

mess 19 - Amber ? / Sunbeams ? - call me a sceptic, but sound like one and the same to me.



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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 12:44

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Message 28 of 32 in Discussion

excactly you dont..


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 13:02

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Message 29 of 32 in Discussion

PTP means Brian,

permission to purchase, which without you cannot take title to your property. therefore your builder is telling you porkies.... and is not as and green as you are...


Joined: 05/11/2008
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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 13:25

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Message 30 of 32 in Discussion

Re.msg 21.Never worked for Ian Smiths.


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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 13:26

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Message 31 of 32 in Discussion


and there was me thinking I had won a colouring set and a bar of chocolate, you really know how to deflate someone.

Sparta I bow to your 'knowledge of TRNC in the extreme' may the kocan gods smile upon us all ............. well they do on us anyway!


Joined: 24/10/2008
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Message Posted:
03/01/2009 13:34

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Message 32 of 32 in Discussion

keep on listerning to your wonderful builder, i am sure your deeds with no name on them are worth all you paid for them...

you may find that the colouring set and bar of dreamy kocan flav choc bar is worth more...

Good luck you need it!!

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