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The dog problem, a suggestion

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Joined: 15/01/2009
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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:01

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Message 1 of 48 in Discussion

Following up from yesterdays discussions i was asked for suggestions to help solve the problems of stray dogs and nuisence pets,as i am unable to reply due to the thread being closed down by an overzelous moderator her are my suggestions.

1. A kull of all strays

2. On the spot fines for noisy nuisence pets and for soiling in public places

3. Annual license fee per dog

4. Funds from license fee and fines to cover costs

I was asked for suggestions and here they are,could we try to have a sensible debate without personal insults this time?


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:14

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Message 2 of 48 in Discussion

Point 1 Are you mad?

Point 2 Dogs etc don't have pockets

Point 3 I agree

Point 4 as point 3


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:20

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Message 3 of 48 in Discussion

Hi Genghis

Some good points and there are others such as firestarter's suggestion re 'chips'. The problem is, all this needs legislation and Government money to make it effective. They don't seem to have the will to implement anything.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:23

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I think I'm right when I say, all dog owners should have licenses. I know in lapta last year, all residents received a letter from the belidiesi to meet in Lapta to produce vaccination certificates and obtain dog licenses.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:24

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1. Whats the alternative? Collectivley the government,Kar,the locals and expats cannot or will not do anything about the problem of strays. They live a horrible life with much suffering,they present a danger and a health hazard to humans then they die a horrible death at the hands of poisoners. Would putting them to sleep humanley not be better?

2. Dogs dont have pockets but their owners do.if all dogs were chipped their owners coild be identified and fined


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:26

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Ah, yes. In Catalkoy we had to register ours and were given a disc with a number on it to attach to the collar


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:39

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Will a licence for a black and white dog be cheaper?

Please stay on topic.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:41

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Message 8 of 48 in Discussion

Yes fine the owners, chip the dogs / cats totally agree with those statements.

To Kull any stray dog or any animal is just wrong its that simple


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:48

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OK Taz666 what do you suggest?


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 12:57

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Kennals / rescue centres / re-homing paid for by buy the fines , licence fee's etc you have stated, if these fines can pay for kulling then they can pay for the resuce centres, whats next kull the homeless, all life has the right to life.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:01

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the license fees would cover everything you stated compared to a one off kull,so in the absence of a humane kull are you suggesting they be left to suffer,this is no ilfe at all


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:04

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As I said in a post last year, I am a dog lover and have always owned one. That love extends to not wishing to see any dog suffer.

No legislation in TRNC can be effective with regard to this situation. It simply wont work, if items under government control cannot be made to work in areas of economic importance, ie. the housing /property problems then dogs have no chance.

Dont let them suffer help them to leave the terrible life they lead without dying a horrible death from poisoning, hunger or under a vehicle.

If you have an alternative that you know, hand on heart will work, then tell us.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:09

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Licensing would not work, you have only got to read in the papers about how many people are caught in police roadside checks that are without insurance, mot's and road tax. Hardly likely to bother about dog licenses.



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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:17

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I am a dog owner have 2 dogs both chipped/pet passports fully vaccinaed etc.

Main problem over here really seems to be the strays, if no one owns them or cares for them we can never solve the problem!

Licences good idea but still leaves all the strays to sortout KAR and other places do the best they can with limited resources, but a very large % of the dogs they save still remain under their care.

I do not approve of culling but unless a feasible alternative can be found how else do you you resolve a problem of so many unwanted animals having no home.

Many of us have imported loved pets at great cost, and care dearly for them yes a few may make noise, but do not run wild.

The government of this country needs to address the current situation one way or another making themselves popular by creating funded kennels/catteries or unpopular with a culling program. But either way DO SOMETHING


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:21

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Message 15 of 48 in Discussion

Maybe so but the vast majority of cars are correctly taxed and insured,it is a weak argument to simply say it wont work. It is all down to will and this must start with dog lovers themselves,if they cannot be bothered to band together and approach the government collectivley then they should not continually moan about the problems. As i stated yesterday these people want to put the world to rights from their armchairs,all mouth and no action wanting someone else to sort it out and hiding behind comments like "it wont work" just shows how pathetic they are. Their lack of action is causing this problem and the poisonings to continue so they should stop complaining as they are part of the poisoning problem


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:32

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I agree but for example unlicensed cars are targeted by police, who would target unlicensed pets etc. If there is no policy/law no one can have action taken


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 13:41

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Message 17 of 48 in Discussion

gengis, I am an animal lover and truly belive that humanely putting a stray dog to sleep is a far better option for it than leading the life they have, constantly being moved on, fleas, tics, worms, risk of poison, accident, scavenging for food and dying of starvation in some cases. However, it could only be a short-term answer because as long as people of all nationalities here on this island turn their dogs out to fend for themselves, the issue will return. You may as why they do that and I suggest that one reason (not the only one) is because there is no policy of euthanasia here and until that changes, there will always be a problem. Yes, people should not just find it too easy to put an animal down but when folks are desperate and there is no choice they turn them out. It has to change from the government and unless we find some means of enabling it to hear our voices then we are stuck. I dont know how to do that, maybe someone else will have thoughts on it.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 15:51

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Message 18 of 48 in Discussion

As this debate seems to have run its course ill sign off but i will suggest that in the absence of any willingness of all the dog lovers that have contributed to do anything constructive to resolve the problem,no more posts are made about the plight of strays or the poisonings,which only serve to upset people and give others ideas on how easy it is to poison dogs and get away with it

Mr Vince

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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 16:40

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I read every week, various opinions on how to resolve the problem of stray dogs and cats. Some are for rounding up and killing and some are for the status quo. Every thread either critisises or pays lip service to the work carried out by a charity known as KAR. Kyrenia Animal Rescue has a policy of catching neutering and releasing stray animals in an effort to reduce the future population of stray animals. They also care for numerous dogs and cats who cannot be rehomed. They are also dignified in their silence when critisized on boards.

There is a solution to the catch and kill bigade. Start your own charity and devote your time to what you find right. I am sure that you will have no problem raising the funds to provide a vehicle with Kyrenia Animal Killers on the logo.

Education is the only way for the problem of unwanted and abandoned animals to be addressed. In stead of critisizing why not catch the strays and take them to be neutered. It's paid for by public donation.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 16:48

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if the goverment made it illegal to own a dog without it being chipped and registered and the local goverment could impliment it with the issuing of a large fine, then the owners who wanted there dogs would do it rather than pay the fine.

along side that if they made it illegal for anyone to sell a puppy which was not chipped again with large fine for them and new owner, then in time every dog here would have an owner.

also any dog entering from turkey should be chipped.

hence a whole island of responsible dog owners, it would take a few years but be something to work towards.

it could also work toward us getting back as part of the pet passport scheme.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 16:50

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Message 21 of 48 in Discussion

Mr Vince you say "why not catch the strays and take them to be neutered" then what? Dump them back were you found them to be persicuted,abused,to get infected with tics,starve,run over,then poisoned. Wake up man this is not solving the problem its addin to it


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:05

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Message 22 of 48 in Discussion

IMO the only way is the RSPCA way. If the animal is not claimed or adopted within a set period it is destroyed. But that's really only applicable in countries with effective government administration, not a place like the TRNC.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:11

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Message 23 of 48 in Discussion

so are you going to kull cats, wild horses or any other animal thats a problem, come on get real, bring yourself into modern times Genghis, killing belongs to the der brigade

Mr Vince

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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:27

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It is not possible to reverse the actions of a population in a few short years. Think what the problem would be now had KAR not interviened and done something. You may not like what they are doing but they at least are trying to do something. If you want to change KAR policy then put yourself forward within it's organisation and change it from within.

If I can ask you an open question "What have you done to try to resolve this problem appart from questioning others involvement"?


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:32

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Message 25 of 48 in Discussion

Most people wouldnt think twice about exterminating rats and other vermin so what makes the animal the dog different? if they are causing the kind of problems so often complained about then it is the only alternative and i repeat the humane thing to do.

Clogdancer it does indeed sound cruel but if you were a dog in that position wouldnt you rather be put to sleep painlessly? especially if you had the knowledge that no body cared enough to do anything about your plight


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:38

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Message 26 of 48 in Discussion

Mr Vince I have only respect for Kar i am not one of the people that knock them although i dont agree the right thing to do is dump them back were they were found. this problem does not effect me directly the poit of my postings is to draw attention to the hypocritical dog lovers who forever winge and moan but continue to do absolutley nothing about it, i do not have a problem with dogs but their owners yes. everyone seems to be happy to have a go at me but no body can offer an sensible alternative or get off their fat British backsides to help


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 17:54

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Message 27 of 48 in Discussion

hi genghis could you tell us how the do it where you live in amercia please. dogs are not only poisioned here also sot and more recently youth used a puppy to play football with. this is the mentality of these people. The fat british backside brigade try to help kar out. Also the hunters hang thier dogs from trees once the season has finished. Where do you start if you sggest culling then wouldnt that be of the islands verinary dept to implment. It will never change as once the season starts its the strays abondened again. the owners jus wont to to the council vet ang get them done.


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 19:04

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Message 28 of 48 in Discussion

As i have said several time the only way you will achieve change will be to band together and lobby the government for change,possibly suggesting mandatory chipping and licensing and fines as a way of raising the funds to impliment changes. But the so called dog lovers out there are happy just to say there is no point and do nothing,hypoccrits?


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 19:21

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Message 29 of 48 in Discussion

your statement ' But the so called dog lovers out there are happy just to say there is no point and do nothing,hypoccrits?

I own 4 boxers, all from six weeks old the oldest now 9 all chipped, all passports and I would pay for a licence if thats what was required, I also help out getting funds for the RSPCA so please don't call me an hypocrit.

see you are from the USA where the homeless litter the streets, begging for money, making a mess and a general pain, would you kull them????


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 19:35

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Message 30 of 48 in Discussion

Are you comparing dogs to humans,surley not? If you care so much about dogs why are you not prepared to take up my suggestions and help them out instead of bleating on? i challenge you as a dog lover to do something positive and prove me wrong


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 20:03

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Message 31 of 48 in Discussion

cmon taz,excuses on a postcard


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Message Posted:
16/01/2009 20:24

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Message 32 of 48 in Discussion

BAck in the 60's dogs had to be licenced and tags worn. otherwise they were caught and destroyed, not so humanely I might add.

So what happened to lose laws that existed.


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Message Posted:
19/01/2009 01:52

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Message 33 of 48 in Discussion

people need to be educated about the value of life, and suffering. How can humans as a whole care about wafes n strays when they have little value in their own species? i was shocked when i saw a man driving with his baby loose on the front seat. He broke sharp and the baby flew forward. I said,' do you know you could have killed your child?' his reply was,' oh, i can make another one'! some people care, some dont.


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Message Posted:
19/01/2009 10:53

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Message 34 of 48 in Discussion

hi horse lover you see that all the time here and it really worries me. Rightly stated they have that mentality. A car cut me up on the inside baby on his lap fag in one hand mobile in the othher. No number plate. I stopped and had a go at him telling him he was putting his little girl in danger his reply this is cyprus we do what we want. we wont change thier mentality on anything let alone the animal sitiuation.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
19/01/2009 14:10

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Message 35 of 48 in Discussion

i am wondering on how many people have taken in a dog or cat since coming to cyprus?

we brought our 2 english dogs here with us and now have another 2 which we have taken on.

friends of ours are in the same situation.

there are only so many you can help.

something here has to change.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 07:51

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Message 36 of 48 in Discussion

while we were at our villa in the summer we were visited by a stray dog that would not go away it came into the pool area and soiled it kept barking etc we had young children there and were worried that one of them may get bitten we asked the muktar what to do but they gave no advise we managed to get it into the car and we took it to a rescue centre but they did not want it as it was not injured the only advise they gave was for us to drive into the mountains and let it go. we were leaving to go back to england and could not kept it so we let it go in another village what should we do if this happens again it was all so distressing


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 08:23

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Message 37 of 48 in Discussion

You were told by KAR to take it to the moutains and let it go...will somebody please do something about this so called charity..time and time again reports like this are posted....I was in Lemar the other day and KAR were doing there usual begging for money to save the dogs...I think I will stand along side them with a banner showing them up for what they really are..why do ppl keep donating to this so called charity, where does all this money go cos it certainly doesnt seem to go to help the Dogs.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 09:08

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Message 38 of 48 in Discussion

Perhaps if you could be bothered to go to the AGM or even visit the Office you would be told where all the money goes, instead of this pathetic outburst you and your side kick are always bleating on about.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 12:13

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Message 39 of 48 in Discussion

Ok Quarmby do you agree with KAR telling ppl to take the dogs to the mountains and dump them?....


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 12:16

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Message 40 of 48 in Discussion

Quarmby are you Margaret Ray?


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 12:43

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Message 41 of 48 in Discussion

I must speak up in defense of KAR. On the couple of occasions I have contacted them for help they have responded. They have neutered cats and kittens and taken in a dog that had been fed by a neighbour for a couple of months and then abandoned. I know they get criticised but the fact that their kennels are full shows they do take in as many animals as they can.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 12:51

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Message 42 of 48 in Discussion

Spangles they are a charity and as such should not turn a dog away, and to tell ppl to dump dogs in the mountain is disgraceful, they be be shut down by the government immediately, and believe me they have done this many many times.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 12:52

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Message 43 of 48 in Discussion

Waiting for a response Quarmby!!!


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 13:28

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Message 44 of 48 in Discussion

KAR do a very good job with limited resources and volunteers who work very hard, do not critise them unless you yourself are willing to do better.

However to achieve anything a policy of euthanasia must be adopted say, after 4wks if an animal cannot be rehoused.

On tv the other day 1 dog compound in the USA had stated that they had had to euthanaise 20000 animas in the year.

KAR can only take so many, unless some sort of clearout is done occasionally then they are not in a position to keep taking more.

They only get spaces if the ones they have are rehoused.

This is meant to suggest a positve solution to the problem, I am a dog owner I have also had a dog before from Battersea Dogs home(he lasted 15 yrs) , even they cannot rehouse every animal.


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 16:26

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Message 45 of 48 in Discussion

Msg 43

DC4-MBM your suggestion is to say the least a classic.


I do have a life away from a keyboard.


I don't think so.


No, they should have told them to take it to the government dog pound. you think they can do a better job, are you applying for the vacancy?


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Message Posted:
31/01/2009 19:20

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Message 46 of 48 in Discussion

kull them only answer


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Message Posted:
01/02/2009 09:21

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Message 47 of 48 in Discussion

Quarmby why is my suggestion a classic?

So you only think you arent margaret ray, well dont you know ?

Is there a government dog pound then?

fire starter

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Message Posted:
01/02/2009 21:00

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Message 48 of 48 in Discussion

from what i understand if a dog is dangerous the police will shoot it.

otherwise they just ignore the fact its a stray.

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