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Real Identities on Bulletin Boards

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide


Joined: 02/10/2008
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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:03

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Clearly people are at variance over whether or not one should give one's true identity on a public bulletin board.

In my opinion anyone would need to be absolutely reckless to give their real identity. Putting your name, location etc is just asking for trouble from the criminal element and the lunatics that inhabit the internet.

People have given information on where they live in the UK and then post that they are coming out to the TRNC for a month or so and vise versa. It is just plain nuts. People's addresses can be traced in minutes using public information on the internet.

Not long ago one member of this board received threats of violence from another.

If you want your friends to know who you are on her all well and good but don't tell the whole world, it is just crazy.


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:05

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My sentiments too. Well said Harlequin


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:06

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Good point well made Harlequin.

I haven't put my name or anything too personal on my profile for just the reasons you state.

I think most members can live with some of us choosing's the multiple log-ins that wind everyone up !


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:06

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Spot on Harl


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:18

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Yup great point.

I hope the moderators that always complain about people hiding behind false identities take note.


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:26

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In a few seconds you can get phone numbers, addresses, photos of houses. In my case my name in Google gets information on me, my ex-wife, my children, and numerous relatives.

It seems that people are just not aware what information is out there for people who have just a few clues.

Simbas calls me a "coward" for being anonymous. I would answer that I am taking care and taking steps to protect my family from all sorts of dangers.

I can not even think what might possess someone to give their name, location and put up a picture of themselves and children and then give over time all sorts of information.

The criminals must be laughing themselves silly.


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:27

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Message 7 of 36 in Discussion

Good post Harlequin.


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:35

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Lets expand on this a little and people could experiment with this just to prove the point.

Given a name and town. One can get the street, postcode, house number, names of all occupants, names of all occupants of every house on the street, photos of every house, telephone numbers.

Then credit references. Do a google search, amazing what that produces. etc.etc.

Then they post "I went into Kyrenia yesterday and had to wait 3 hours in HSBC and tomorrow I will be going for an outing to Famagusta." ROFL


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:39

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Harlequin.....why did you ask me for my mother's maiden name and a memorable 4 digit number the other day?......hahaha

Seriously...good advice here....criminals prey on the trusting and naive.


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:42

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Harlequin, what does ROFL mean?


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:45

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Ripped Off From Lapta ?


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:48

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Roll on floor laughing


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 19:50

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Ha Ha ha - that's funny Harlequin


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Message Posted:
17/01/2009 20:05

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I want to be careful here but to illustrate a point. If someone on this board gives their real name does that mean that everything they post they wish everyone to know.

One such person posted their real address in TRNC on here some months ago in addition to their UK address being readily available.

That is like putting out a sign saying please rob me.

That person may be kind and well meaning but clearly hasn't got a clue that the world is not a very nice place any more and that the burglars use the internet to get information.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 10:26

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I agree totally, real names and real addresses have no place on public forums.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 11:36

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I'm sorry Harlequin but *I* beg to differ..

*I* think many of those hiding their ids - especially on these boards - are just "scared" as they think that some GC owner will find out who is living on what they regard is their land / property.. This is a SMALL island.. more likely they know, already.

If you use a gmail / hotmail, etc email address and your real first name and a photo of yourself that isn't giving away too much. ( domain names can be traced)

It wouldn't be too hard to trace me - the point is - I don't CARE... I'm not doing, saying anything I wouldn't say to anyone's face.

There are FAR too many people on this board that this couldn't be said of.

Naturally, I can understand your point re burglars, but I've always made a point of making sure my home is occupied- even when I'm on hols.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 11:46

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Personal view.

If you cannot even give the country you reside in how can we trust that any info you may give is correct or bare any resemblance to facts of living in that country.

The security issue is minimal and if you have all internet precautions in place there are no problems there.

Just a first name and minimum of country to me helps in deciding if what a person writes is believable. Nobody can find your home address from that.

Too many people here, as has been discussed many times, hide behind an alias, change names etc just to abuse others and disrupt the forums.

Harlequin, I know you have been around the forums for some time so please do not take this as an attack on you personally just an observation to be considered.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 11:58

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Even the postman can't find my address! and like mmmmmmm, our house is always occupied.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:08

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one too many m's


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:12

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I do apologise, mmmmmm


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:14

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I don't believe you are who you say you are.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:17

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Ever thought that maybe people don't want to go public with who they are in case some of the mud-slinging nastiness that goes on here spills over into the real world......

*runs away to hide behind the sofa*


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:18

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Message 23 of 36 in Discussion

Dear Britvic, apology accepted..

Dear Geoff.. can you be a little less "obtuse" ..

1/ Who

2/ Why

VERY "interesting".. a "rump" RoC email addy and a "north" location... !! :o


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:22

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Dear Susief

re 22

A valid point .. but would "they" be so "brave" / "rude" if they thought that they could post without some sort of comeback ;)

you can come out now !


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:26

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Message 25 of 36 in Discussion

mmmmmm....msg 23

Are you Columbo ? haha


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 12:33

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Msg 21, I may not be who I say I am!


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 13:00

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Message 27 of 36 in Discussion

Good point mmmmmm but I shan't stray too far from behind the sofa just in case ;-)


Joined: 24/02/2008
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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 14:29

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Just because someone puts down a name and location doesn't mean any of it is real and doesn't make their posts any more believable than someone who chooses not to.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 14:32

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re 28

MOST folk on the board know of someone else who is posting and who is "real" !


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 14:33

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If I hadn't given my real identity on here maybe I wouldn't be scared to post what I really think to help future purchasers in the north make better decisions than I did!

People with false identities can actually tell the truth with no fear of reprisals thus warning future purchasers of dodgy companies.

So what that you get some who abuse it, that's life, get over it!


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 14:38

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Message 31 of 36 in Discussion

Well said Toady.

Get around it by starting a second log-in name on here, and posting the truth......but here's a tip....don't use the words "Troy" or "Lake" in your name !!

Good luck with your fight for justice.


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 14:44

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Message 32 of 36 in Discussion

Thanks Cronos

Believe it or not it actually helps to have other members give you support, even just written support. This is why I don't think it matters if someone's identity is real so long as you take what they say at face value and not as gospel. Then you can make your own mind up.

Now, what did you say I should do............AH that's right go and find a mind of my own!


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 15:07

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Whats in a name nothing!!! So whats the issue and who cares


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 15:24

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I think we would all care if we were in conversation with someone, things turned nasty, and we find out we had been talking to Makoezy all along!


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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 15:58

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Maybe people would be more respectful in their replies to posts and the comments they make. Would cut all the patronising and abusive remarks from certain individuals .........

fire starter

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Message Posted:
18/01/2009 18:04

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Message 36 of 36 in Discussion

cyprus is such a small place, if someone is giving you a problem on the forum, sod law say you know who they are anyway or will find out shortly.

remember there are no secrets here,lol.

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