Cyprus News on Talat speak to German Deutsche Welle Television.
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Talat speak to German Deutsche Welle Television

Source: BRT  
29 May 2007

President Mehmet Ali Talat has said that Turkish Cypriot Side expects the European Union to put into force the Direct Trade Regulation.

President Talat repeated his view that the implementation of the regulation will contribute towards finding a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus Problem.

President Talat words came during an interview to the German Television channel Deutsche Welle.

Speaking during the interview, President Talat highlighted the importance of the resolution adopted recently in the German Federal Parliament.

Welcoming the move, the President stated that it was the first time that such a decision was adopted by Germany and it was the first time the German government has shown interest towards the Cyprus Issue.

Commenting on the content of the resolution, President Talat said that there were positive components in the decision such as a call for the removal of the international isolation of the Turkish Cypriot people and for more contact to be made with Turkish Cypriot institutions.

Praising the current EU term President Germany for its strenoius efforts for implementing the EU Direct Trade Regulation for its term presidency ends, the President said that all efforts had nevertheless failed due to the Greek Cypriot Side’s obstructive efforts.

“The EU and term president Germany should use their influence to persuade the Greek Cypriot Administration to end its negative stance towards Turkish Cypriots” he added.

The President said that the Greek Cypriot Side’s aim was to keep the Turkish Cypriot people under pressure, hoping in time, to assimilate them into a minority within a Greek Cypriot State.

Criticizing a proposal made within the resolution for the withdrawal of Turkish Armed Forces from Cyprus, President Talat warned that such a move could damage the prevailing atmosphere of peace on the island.

“It is out of the question for the Turkish Armed Forces to withdraw from the island before a solution is found to the Cyprus Problem” he said, warning that the Greek Cypriot Administration will act to spread its sovereignty over North Cyprus in the absence of Turkish forces.

Stating that the Turkish Cypriot people continue to work towards a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus Problem, the President said that he didn’t expect a breakthrough in the current deadlock on the Cyprus Problem any time soon.

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