Cyprus News on Talat: Greek Cypriots are trying to prevent their people from applying to the commission.
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Talat: Greek Cypriots are trying to prevent their people from applying to the commission

Source: TRNC Ministry of Foreign Affairs  
11 June 2007

President Mehmet Ali Talat speaking to Anatolian News Agency (AA) stated that the Greek Cypriot administration was resorting to threats, pressure and isolating methods to discourage its citizens from applying to the Immovable Property Commission in the TRNC.

Explaining that the Immovable Property Commission was established with the aim of creating “a domestic remedy” for the property issue, President Talat said that this commission has been recognized as such by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), adding that the Greek Cypriot administration was still pursuing a campaign reminiscent of the inquisition era.

President Talat called upon Greek Cypriots, who want to settle the property issue as soon as possible, to apply to the Immovable Property Commission and said the Commission was taking faster and more effective decisions than the ECHR.

Drawing attention to the contradicting behavior of the Greek Cypriot side, President Talat said the Greek Cypriot administration was on one hand encouraging its people to apply to the ECHR by saying that the property right was a human right, but on the other hand was proclaiming its people, who applied to the Immovable Property Commission in the TRNC, traitors.

Talat stressing that if a comprehensive settlement had been reached in Cyprus, this issue would not have been discussed today, reminded that Greek Cypriot leader Tassos Papadopoulos by calling upon its people to say a “strong no” in 24 April 2004 referendum, had not only prevented the solution of the property issue but also the solution of the Cyprus problem.

President Talat pointed out that the Greek Cypriots, who had previously applied to the ECHR, also applied to the Immovable Property Commission and this was confirming the rightfulness of the Turkish Cypriot side’s approach to the property issue.

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