Cyprus News on Talat: Cyprus issue cannot be solved on the basis of osmosis.
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Talat: Cyprus issue cannot be solved on the basis of osmosis

Source: BRT  
17 November 2006

President Mehmet Ali Talat has pointed out that the Cyprus issue is going through a very critical and complicated phase.

The President emphasized that the Cyprus problem cannot be solved on the basis of `osmosis` and repeated the Turkish Cypriot Side’s willingness for a solution based on the parameters of the United Nations.

Mr Talat was speaking at the opening ceremony of an educational seminar at Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel in Gazimagusa organized by the Konya Municipalities’ Union.

The 102nd municipality seminar organized by the Konya Municipalities’ Union is taking place in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for the first time.

The 4-day seminar is being attended by 168 Turkish mayors and municipality officials, as well as representatives from 28 municipalities in the TRNC.

Delivering an opening speech, the Mayor of Gazimagusa Oktay Kayalp pointed to the fact that the municipalities in the Republic are also being affected by the ongoing international isolation but said that the struggle towards getting rid of the isolation will continue with the guidance of President Mehmet Ali Talat.

In an address to the ceremony, President Mehmet Ali Talat referred to the Cyprus issue and stated that the Cyprus problem has always been the stage for critical periods, but said that the current phase is a very complicated one.

Pointing out that the Cyprus issue had become more complex with South Cyprus’ EU membership and Turkey’s EU membership process, he said that the developments in Cyprus and Turkey started to affect each other.

Accusing the Greek Cypriot Administration of creating obstacles for Turkey in her EU membership process, he underlined the need to formulate right policies in this new phase.

As for the statements by the Greek Cypriot Administration that it is not against Turkey’s EU membership, President Talat said the reason behind these statements is the fact that it is in the interests of the Greek Cypriot Side for Turkey to continue its EU process.

He underlined the fact that `osmosis`, which was voiced by the Greek Cypriot Leader Tassos Papadopulos in an address to the United Nations, cannot be the basis for a solution to the Cyprus problem, as it makes it possible for the stronger side to dissolve the weak one slowly.

But this is the approach of the Greek Cypriot Side to the Cyprus problem` he added, stressing that the Turkish Cypriot Side favors a solution under the United Nations umbrella on the basis of a bi-zonal and bi-communal order and political equality of the two sides, which will also maintain Turkey’s position as a guarantor power.

President Talat further stated that the EU cannot be a platform for a solution to the Cyprus problem because of the Greek Cypriot Side’s membership to the Block under the title of ‘the Republic of Cyprus’.

However, Mr Talat said that both Turkey and the TRNC maintain their objective of becoming members of the EU.

On the opening of Turkish ports, the President stated that Turkey will not be the looser if it opens its ports to the Greek Cypriot Side but that such a move will affect the TRNC negatively.

Referring to the Finnish proposal on Cyprus, the President said that the EU term-president- has given a start to a wrong process as it doesn’t know the nature of the Cyprus problem well.

Mr Talat repeated the Turkish Cypriot Side’s readiness to start comprehensive negotiations under the aegis of the United Nations, adding that the UN has taken a step forward with the letter from the UN Undersecretary General for Political Affairs Ibrahim Gambari which offers a procedure for the restart of negotiations.

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