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Port Cyprium Marina

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Joined: 29/06/2008
Posts: 5

Message Posted:
29/06/2008 06:34

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Can please anyone advise when will Port Cyprium begin construction? Wish to invest in that area, but have been hearing rumours that Port Cyprium will not be built.

Is this true?


Joined: 16/07/2007
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Message Posted:
29/06/2008 06:37

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hi yildiz , welcome to the forum , sorry i have'nt heard anything

good luck , simbas


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
29/06/2008 07:45

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Hi Yildiz,

The latest rumour is that it is to be moved to Esentepe Bay. I was told that teams have been surveying the area. The best source of information in that area is Greg of Glencoe Trading.

I am sure that Gregg would help if you contact him.



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Message Posted:
29/06/2008 09:45

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Port Cyprium Marina will come to fruition - two Council of Ministers decisions as recorded in the Official Gazzette confirm this to be the case.

However, the Dept of Antiquities have raised concerns about the possibility of ancient artefacts lying on or under the sea bed in the area. This, despite two independent surveys confirming that there is nothing there.

Many believe this to be gross hypocrisy considering the state of some of the ancient buildings the DoA are responsible for - in Kyrenia Town Centre for example.

The Marina project owner is pressing on with a publicity campaign, including participation at this year's London Boat Show and building the infrastructure around the Marina site, including housing and a Taverna.

He is determined that his dream will become reality, producing for the first time in North Cyprus a proper marina designed to international standards with bunkering, fuel, lift, chandlery, clubhouse and othere attendant facilities. Maybe the DoA will soon see that there is immense economic benefit for the TRNC in such a project and will drop their futile opposition, or are they waiting for a flying brown envelope to drop in?? Meanwhile, legal proceedings are in train.

the butler

Joined: 22/06/2007
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Message Posted:
29/06/2008 13:38

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We have a property opposite the Esentepe harbour and rumour has it that an Isreali has bought it and is putting in a hotel and water sports complex, shops and cafes. Does anyone know anything about this or is it just speculation? There has definitely been people measuring up down there but what for? come on Glencoe tell us what you know.

The Butlers wife


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Message Posted:
29/06/2008 19:07

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Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

Yavas Yavas

It will happen but where?

Anyone got any good info'?

Speculation based upon where your existing property is no doubt.



Joined: 29/06/2008
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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 06:21

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Message 7 of 8 in Discussion

I thank you all. I shall certainly communicate with Greg as well as carry out further search.

I believe it is one of the most beautiful areas in the island how marvellous would it be for this project to be realised


Joined: 01/12/2006
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Message Posted:
30/06/2008 11:17

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

If you find more infor Yildiz, I'll be glad if you can post it back here.



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