St George of the Latins Church

St George of Latins Church
photo by: Yeoman Paris
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St George of the Latins is one of the oldest churches in the walled city of Famagusta. It was originally part of a monastery complex that probably was built before the Lusignan walls were even put up around the city. Indeed, St George of the Latins in Famagusta may have been built during the time that St Louis of France established a base on Cyprus to launch his Egyptian Crusade.
The Ruins of St George of the Latins Church, Famagusta
Today St George of the Latins Church in Famagusta is a ruin, as only two side walls remain intact, but the fun in visiting its elegant remains lies in imagining how splendid it must have been. Craftsmanship is suggested everywhere; the tall window arches seem to reach for the sky, and you can still spot a flight of stone bats carved on the top of a column in the north wall.
There were three churches in Famagusta associated with St George; St George of the Latins, St George of the Greeks and St George the Foreigner, which became the Nestorian Church.